backspace119 wrote:
So here's my /OE /WE circuit now...
It won't work quite as expected. Rather than I explain why to you and deprive you of the opportunity to figure it out, let me just leave you with a snippet from the 65C816 data sheet about the RDY pin:
2.24 Ready (RDY)
The Ready (sic) is a bi-directional signal. When it is an output it indicates that a Wait for Interrupt instruction has been executed halting operation of the microprocessor.
The above is from the data sheet published on November 9, 2018.
I've attached /OE and /WE to the /OE and /WE of all devices that use wait states, the RTC, EEPROM, and DUART (28L92). Other devices are still qualified off my READ, WRITE, and /READ, /WRITE signals, which are made by R/W and PHI2
Such segregation isn't necessary and only serves to add complexity to the circuit. Devices that don't use wait-states won't care about what /OE and /WE are doing when said devices haven't been selected. When they are selected, your glue logic shouldn't be generating a wait-state.
Incidentally, the 28L92 can be run at full bus speed without wait-stating in a 5 volt system. I've booted my POC V1.1 unit, which has no wait-state logic, at 15 MHz (using a 45ns PROM). As long as the 28L92's chip select is generated as soon as
VDA || VPA is true the DUART will easily keep up with the '816 at full speed. Read page 54 of the 28L92 data sheet to see the bus timing specs.
If this checks out I'm going to look at the clock circuit, and see about either changing it back to a oscillator can or possibly leaving it, but not using it for slowing the clock to talk to devices. One last thing here, iirc using this circuit I've attached I don't need to worry about absorbing clock pulses, since the /OE and /WE of devices won't be pulsing off the clock now, is this correct?
I again urge you to rein in the creeping featurism and build a basic unit so you can get your feet wet. You are, in my opinion, too fixated on things that should not yet be in consideration.
If it were me designing the unit, I'd use a can oscillator driving a flop for your Ø2 clock circuit. When I built my original POC V1.0 unit 10 years ago, I started with a 2 MHz oscillator, and also purchased 8 MHz and 16 MHz cans, as a goal was to see the unit run at 8 MHz. The unit almost worked on the first try...a missing trace on the PCB caused a partial DOA. Some blue wire fixed that problem, and the unit booted and displayed a simple banner on the terminal.
File comment: POC V1.0 POST Display
hello_world02.jpg [ 524.53 KiB | Viewed 441 times ]
During early testing, I accidentally put the 16 MHz can in when I meant to put in the 2 MHz one. It booted and ran fine, thus accidentally meeting the goal of 8 MHz operation.
My point is that despite having nearly 40 years of professional electronics design and troubleshooting under my belt at the time, I kept POC V1.0 simple so I wouldn't be overwhelmed with issues, should they arise. You should do the same.