I've used the 40x4. It is essentially two 40x2's, one above the other.
drogon wrote:
backspace119 wrote:
Also, the hardware mini project section has an area on LCDs, and it shows hooking up A0 to the RS of the LCD, wouldn't this count as running a processor bus off board? Should I instead put that behind a via or similar?
Putting it behind a VIA port decouples any timing issues that it might have.
Yes. In the past these have hardly been fast enough to put on the 6502 bus even at 1MHz; but from your data sheet, it looks like they've sped it up somewhat since then. Still, it's not very fast; and if you want to use it later with a bus speed of 8 or 12 or 16MHz, you'll definitely need to go through the VIA.
You can also use an 8-bit port to drive it in 4-bit mode - assuming the usual Hitachi displays
I show this in the circuit potpourri page of the 6502 primer, at, with a link to working code, . There is a trick to getting a reliable reset that works every time, so don't ignore it. Note that one VIA can be used for lots of things at once, as I show in the primer. VIA #1 on my workbench computer handles:
- keypad
- parallel printer
- beeper (soldered to the board, under the top trio of ferrite beads seen in the last picture above, using the whole board as a sounding board)
- real-time clock and calendar (from T1 interrupts)
- I²C port
- abort button
- enable for the A/D converter
- synchronous-serial port for the front-panel connector to an external frequency/event counter and also shared with the connector to the external circuit for the oscilloscope raster graphics
Yes, that's all one VIA, and these are connected all the time.
It's always nice, I think, to have at least a minimal display of some kind on the board, for debugging.
If you have ±12V on the board anyway, you can use the 16-pin MC145406 triple line driver and receiver which saves board space compared to the MAX232 & siblings because it does not need more pins for the capacitors for charge pumps.
I was looking at putting -12 on the board, but, honestly, I have a 350w 12v PSU just sitting doing nothing right now (came out of a 3D printer that I put a 24v PSU on) so I was probably going to use it to bootstrap myself here, rather than buying another (save maybe $20-50). When I get closer to putting everything in the final package, I may switch it if it won't fit in the case I make, although it's also nice that it has a fan that turns on when it gets hot, so I could use that to pull air over the components as well.
I may include a spot for -12 on the board, just to remain future proof, but at the moment I'm going to plan for only 12, so I may go with the MAX232.
As far as an LCD on board....I have been considering getting some small 7 segment displays to plug into a "debug port" that could show what's on the busses. This would really only be useful if I implemented a clock control circuit to manually step the processor though (this may actually be worth it, since I don't have a logic analyzer)
At any rate, this monstrous LCD could possibly fit on standoffs over the board itself, rather than using a big ribbon cable.
Lightning EDIT: Also, I'm planning on running a seperate 5v regulator powered from 12v for the LED backlighting (max draw is about half an amp) is this a good idea or overkill?
GaBuZoMeu wrote:
If you are going to buy a MAX232 consider the MAX3232 - it's capable of running at 3V and 5V.
I'm planning on using straight 5v everywhere, so having it operate with 3.3 won't be necessary, there may be some components I have to shift down to 3.3 for, but if possible, I want to stay at 5.