Dr Jefyll wrote:
Very puzzling. Before the mod, which test(s) had been failing?
The ones that essentially did some variant of lda $0 or lda $1.
Again, which test(s) failed, please? I know these chips all have their quirks, but some of these results differ from what I would've predicted, and if I've missed something I'd like to learn what it is.
This is the issue you looked at on cbm-hackers. The Rockwell 65C02 does not pass the memory test, and so boots up immediately. My theory is that the falling clock turns off the port values one a $91/$b1 call too soon, and the CMOS '02 takes too long to read the returned data, so the value read is wrong.
It's very exciting that you have in the works an '816 version capable of using Native Mode! Regarding the concern you mentioned, you're thinking the programmer might have a piece of code that switches to '816 Native Mode then eventually returns to Emulation Mode -- and you're hoping this piece of code can reside in a bank other than bank zero, is that right?
The first part seems alright, because legacy 6509 capability could get you into the desired bank, and the 816's Program Bank Register (PBR) can I think be loaded with a matching, non-zero value even while still in Emulation Mode. Then you use the XCE instruction to engage Native Mode, and that's when the 816's E output changes state and your CPLD stops relaying 6509 high address bits to the mobo and starts relaying '816 high address bits instead.
Using XCE to switch back to Emulation Mode will, AIUI, cause the '816 to re-initialize the PBR to zero. But that's also when E will go false and the CPLD will stop relaying 816 high address bits to the mobo. Does this answer the question, or have I misunderstood what you were getting at?
If moving back to emulation mode forces the next code access to be from a bank 0 location (PBR = 0), then I can safely use the E pin to denote whether to use the old or new way of setting the PORT pins.
BTW thanks for the pic. In future you may find it more convenient to simply attach the image with your post, which this forum (unlike many) does allow.
Ah, OK. I assumed it did not.