I keep on seeing people running Mandlebrot sets on their homebrew computers, but I don't see many other fractals being run so... Here's my Julia set. I'm sure the brains trust could geatly improve it.
Anyway, here's the (Not very clever) code to generate it, including a little boilerplate for my machine to not mess up the terminal window with.
1 zoom = 35
5 BITCLR $5E0,0: PRINT CHR$(12); : REM Serial out off, and clear screen.
10 creal=-0.8
20 cimag=0.156
30 FOR v=-48 TO 48
40 FOR h=-78 TO 78
50 x=h/(zoom*2)
60 y=v/zoom
70 FOR i=1 TO 50
80 zreal=x*x-y*y+creal
90 zimag=x*y*2+cimag
100 IF zreal*zreal>1000 THEN GOTO 150
110 x=zreal
120 y=zimag
130 NEXT i
140 px=h+79: py=v+49: GOSUB 4000
150 NEXT h
160 NEXT v
165 BITSET $5E0,0 : REM Serial out on again.
170 END
3997 :
3998 REM Plot
3999 :
4000 PRINT CHR$(5);CHR$(px);CHR$(py);
I wonder what else is out there, maybe a strange attractor?