Just found this post while looking for solution to the same mobile problem: browsing this forum on mobile is pain.
Here's an attachment of me trying to type this message:
Screenshot_20230913-113153.png [ 323.44 KiB | Viewed 4309 times ]
Unfortunately, my sight is not as sharp as it used to be, so I find myself zooming in and out all the time. Reading large posts with lots of text is also a frustrating experience, since the text doesn't fit on the screen when zoomed in.
I tried Tapatalk - 6502.org is not listed there, possible due to PHPBB2 being really old.
I do use my mobile for almost all work-related communication: work chat, reading & replying to emails, code reviews.
I only use my laptop when I have to write actual code or do diagramming. As for 6502 forums, I spend 50% of time reading it from my mobile.
I tried writing my own mobile plugin that adds responsive CSS to this site for one of the browsers, but it proved to be too time-consuming, so I ditched the idea.
P. S. Sorry for any typos - by the time I finish writing thisvpost, my eyes will be too tired to do another proofread over this tiny text.
deck65 - 6502 slab with screen and keyboard |
ПК-88 - SBC based on KM1810VM88 (Ukrainian i8088 clone) |
leo80 - simple Z80 SBC
nice65 - 6502 assembly linter |
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