There are a few similar machines which are covered by MAME - that's a free program you can run on the PC, which emulates thousands of arcades and coin-ops. You just need to get the ROMs from somewhere, figure out how to use MAME, and choose the right model of machine. I can't help with that, but there will be plenty of MAME support forums. you don't care too much precisely what game you run then MAME is certainly the answer.)
The more chip numbers you can see, the better - is there sound in this game? Can you find the number or name of the sound chip?
Can you clean the crystal (the metal can, top right) and read off the frequency? Could be 16MHz, could be something else.
Two machines which might be similar, but might not be identical:
Fun World / TAB / Impera
Series 7000 hardware.
65C02 + 2x PIAs + M6845 CRTC + AY8910
American Poker II (see
Do be careful visiting web sites about poker machines and ROMs for them - there will be scams and there could be malicious popups and similar.
(About the 32k ROM dump: it's actually just 8k of ROM and about 64 extra bytes of code which is probably some kind of copy protection, perhaps in some kind of mini-ROM.
5000 A545 E lda 45
5002 297F ) and #7F
5004 8545 E sta 45
5006 A201 ldx #01
5008 B547 G lda 47,X
500A C909 cmp #09
500C D013 bne 5021
500E AD0130 0 lda 3001
5011 4545 EE eor 45
5013 2907 ) and #07
5015 A200 ldx #00
5017 A003 ldy #03
5019 18 clc
501A 4A J lsra
501B B005 bcs 5022
501D E8 inx
501E 88 dey
501F 10F8 bpl 5019
5021 60 ` rts
5022 8A txa
5023 0A asla
5024 AA tax
5025 BD3350 3P lda 5033,X
5028 8530 0 sta 30
502A E8 inx
502B BD3350 3P lda 5033,X
502E 8531 1 sta 31
5030 6C3000 l0 jmp (0030)
5033 8550 P sta 50
5035 B150 P lda (50),Y
5037 EB ill
5038 5015 P bvc 504F
503A 51FF Q eor (FF),Y