Scot, I think that
clc at line 1205 of ... _words.asm might need to be a
lda 0,x instead. And you might need to insert an
sec between lines 1446 and 1447. And that
sta tmp2 at line 1485 doesn't look right to me either. With that in mind ...
In native_words.asm:
Save 25 bytes with:
; ## ALLOT ( n -- ) "Reserve or release memory"
; ## "allot" src: ANSI core b: 90 c: TBA status: tested
; """Reserve a certain number of bytes (not cells) or release them.
; If n = 0, do nothing. If n is negative, release n bytes, but only
; to the beginning of the Dictionary. If n is positive (the most
; common case), reserve n bytes, but not past the end of the
; Dictionary. See
; """
; TODO see what to do with the Dictionary Pointer (dp) memory is
; released to the beginning of the Dictionary
cpx #dsp0-1
bmi +
lda #11 ; underflow
jmp error
; cp adjust code is the same for negative, zero or positive
lda cp
adc 0,x
sta cp
lda cp+1
adc 1,x
sta cp+1
; did we just reserve bytes or free them?
lda 1,x
bmi _negative
; did we just grant more space than we have available?
ldy #<cp_end
cpy cp
lda #>cp_end
sbc cp+1
bcs _done ; we're good
; we're not good, so we fail hard. This is going to be rare,
; and so it's not worth keeping the old values around to
; restore them. Instead, we reserve max memory
sty cp
lda #>cp_end
sta cp+1
lda #1 ; error code for ALLOT
jmp error
; Free at most to the beginning of the Dictionary space. Note
; this completely destroys the user's Dictionary. Currently,
; this leaves the Dictionary Pointer dangling, so this is probably
; not the best solution
; TODO find the best solution
ldy #<cp0
cpy cp
lda #>cp0
sbc cp+1
bcc _done ; CP still > than CP0, we're good
; we're totally not good, set CP to CP0
sty cp
lda #>cp0
sta cp+1 ; drop through to _done
Save 12 bytes with:
; ## COMPILE_COMMA ( xt -- ) "Compile xt"
; ## "compile," src: ANSI core ext b: TBA c: TBA status: fragment
; """Compile the given xt in the current word definition. It is an
; error if we are not in the compile state. Because we are using
; subroutine threading, we can't use , (COMMA) to compile new words
; the traditional way. By default, native compiled is allowed, unless
; there is a NN (Never Native) flag associated. If not, we use the
; value NC_LIMIT (from definitions.tasm) to decide if the code
; is too large to be natively coded: If the size is larger than
; NC_LIMIT, we silently use subroutine coding. If the AN (Always
; Native) flag is set, the word is always natively compiled
; """
cpx #dsp0-1
bmi +
lda #11 ; underflow
jmp error
; See if this is an Always Native (AN) word by checking the
; AN flag. We need nt for this. First, save a copy of xt to
; the Return Stack
lda 1,x ; MSB
lda 0,x
pha ; LSB
jsr xt_int_to_name ; ( xt -- nt )
; put nt away for safe keeping
lda 0,x
sta tmptos
lda 1,x
sta tmptos+1
; status byte is one further down
inc 0,x
bne +
inc 1,x ; ( nt -- nt+1 )
lda (0,x)
sta tmp3 ; keep copy of status byte for NN
and #AN ; mask all but Always Native (AN bit
beq _compile_check
; We're natively compiling no matter what. Get length and
; compile in code. Get the original nt back
lda tmptos
sta 0,x
lda tmptos+1
sta 1,x
jsr xt_wordsize ; ( nt -- u )
bra _compile_as_code
; See if Native Compile is even alowed by checking the NN
; flag
lda tmp3
and #NN
beq _check_size_limit
jmp _compile_as_jump ; too far for BRA
; Native compile is a legal option, but we need to see what
; limit the user set for size
lda tmptos
sta 0,x
lda tmptos+1
sta 1,x
jsr xt_wordsize ; ( nt -- u )
; We implicitly assume that we don't want to compile anything
; greater than 255 bytes, so we only deal with LSB
lda 0,x ; !!!this was a "clc", which had to be a bug!!!
cmp nc_limit ; user-defined limit
bcc _compile_as_code
jmp _compile_as_jump ; too far for BRA
; We arrive here with the length of the word's code TOS and
; xt on top of the Return Stack. MOVE will need ( xt cp u )
; on the data stack
dex ; ( -- u ?? )
dex ; ( -- u ?? ?? )
lda 4,x
sta 0,x ; LSB of u
lda 5,x
sta 1,x ; ( -- u ?? u )
sta 4,x ; LSB of xt
sta 5,x ; ( -- xt ?? u )
lda cp ; LSB of cp
sta 2,x
lda cp+1
sta 3,x ; ( -- xt cp u )
; Native compiling allows us to strip the stack antics off
; a number of words that use the Return Stack such as >R, R>,
; 2>R and 2R> (but not 2R@ in this version). We compare the
; xt with the contents of the table
ldy #0
lda _strip_table,y ; LSB of first word
cmp 4,x ; LSB of xt
bne _next_entry
; LSB is the same, test MSB
lda _strip_table+1,y
cmp 5,x
beq _found_entry
; MSB is not equal.
; Not a word that needs stripping, so check next entry in table
; Let's see if we're done with the table (marked by zero entry)
lda _strip_table,y ; pointing to LSB
ora _strip_table+1,y ; get MSB
beq _underflow_strip ; table done, let's get out of here
bra _strip_loop
; This word is one of the ones that needs to have its size
; adjusted during native compile. We find the values in the
; next table with the same index, which is Y.
; Get the adjustment out of the size table. We were clever
; enough to make sure the cut on both ends of the code is
; the same size
lda _strip_size,y
sta tmptos ; save a copy
; Adjust xt: Start later
adc 4,x
sta 4,x
bcc +
inc 5,x
; Adjust u: Quit earlier. Since we cut off the top and the
; bottom of the code, we have to double the value
asl tmptos
lda 0,x
sbc tmptos
sta 0,x
bcs +
dec 1,x
; drop through to underflow check stripping
; The user can choose to remove the underflow testing in those
; words that have the UF flag. This shortens the word by
; 9 bytes and increases speed by 5 cycles (because the branch
; is taken) if there is no underflow.
; See if the user wants underflow stripping turned on
lda uf_strip
ora uf_strip+1
beq _specials_done
; See if this word even contains underflow checking
lda tmp3
and #UF
beq _specials_done
; If we arrived here, underflow has to go. It's always 9 bytes
; long (except for PICK, which has a special case that can't
; be stripped)
; Adjust xt: Start later
lda 4,x
adc #9
sta 4,x
bcc +
inc 5,x
; Adjust u: End earlier
lda 0,x
sbc #9
sta 0,x
bcs +
dec 1,x
; Store size of area to be copied for calculation of
; new CP. We have to do this after all of the special cases
; because they might change the size
lda 1,x ; MSB
lda 0,x ; LSB
; Enough of this, let's move those bytes already! We have
; ( xt cp u ) on the stack at this point
jsr xt_move
; Update CP
pla ; LSB
adc cp
sta cp
pla ; MSB
adc cp+1
sta cp+1
bra _done
; List of words we strip the Return Stack antics from
; during native compile, zero terminated. The index here
; must be the same as for the sizes
.word xt_r_from, xt_r_fetch, xt_to_r ; R>, R@, >R
.word xt_two_to_r, xt_two_r_from, 0000 ; 2>R, 2R>, EOL
; List of bytes to be stripped from the words that get their
; Return Stack antics removed during native compile. Index must
; be the same as for the xts. Zero terminated.
.byte 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 0 ; R>, R@, >R, 2>R, 2R>, EOL
; Compile xt as a subroutine jump
lda #$20
sta (cp)
ldy #1
pla ; LSB
sta (cp),y
pla ; MSB
sta (cp),y
; allot space we just used
adc cp
sta cp
bcc +
inc cp+1
inx ; drop xt
Save 15 bytes with:
; ## CONSTANT ( n "name" -- ) "Define a constant"
; ## "constant" src: ANSI core b: 82 c: TBA status: tested
; """Forth equivalent is CREATE , DOES> @ but we do
; more in assembler and let CREATE do the heavy lifting.
; See for
; a primer on how this works in various Forths.
; """
cpx #dsp0-1
bmi +
lda #11
jmp error
jsr xt_create
; CREATE by default installs a subroutine jump to DOVAR,
; but we want DOCONST for constants. Go back two bytes and
; replace the subroutine jump target
sec ; !!!this was missing, and had to be a bug!!!
lda cp
sbc #2
sta tmp1
lda cp+1
sbc #0
sta tmp1+1
lda #<doconst ; LSB of DOCONST
sta (tmp1)
ldy #1
lda #>doconst ; MSB of DOCONST
sta (tmp1),y
; Now we save the constant number itself in the next cell
jsr xt_comma ; drop through to adjust_z
; Now the length of the complete word (z_word) has increased by
; two. We need to update that number or else words such as SEE
; will ignore the PFA. We use this same routine for VARIABLE,
jsr xt_latestnt ; gives us ( -- nt )
; z_word is six bytes further down
lda 0,x
sta tmp1
lda 1,x
sta tmp1+1
ldy #6
lda (tmp1),y
adc #2
sta (tmp1),y ; !!!this was sta tmp2, and had to be a bug!!!
lda (tmp1),y
adc #0 ; only need carry
sta (tmp1),y
z_constant: rts
Mike B.