whartung wrote:
I had an 800, but I think the 800XL is a better machine this day and age unless you need the 4 joystick ports. It's smaller, more tightly built, etc.
The 800 XL is certainly a more practical machine in 2018. More support, more RAM, etc. But the 800 is much better built IMHO. I like the style better. And that Buick-sized steal RF cage is a site to behold.
whartung wrote:
As with many things, I know myself better than to try and pick one of these up. I looked at them on an off over the years. Sure, might be fun to play a bit of Star Raiders and what not, for a little while.
But, in the end, wanting is better than having -- so I'm just content to visit from afar.
Yeah, we collect for different reasons (or not collect at all). I also collect NES games. I have over 200. Yet, I rarely play them. Just fun having them I suppose.