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 Post subject: Help about UART 16C550
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:18 am
Posts: 83
Location: Italy
Hello everyone,
i built a board with uart 16C550 for my 65C816 machine, but i get problems when i enable the FIFO on the UART.
I use an ISR routine to handle the priorityzed interrupt of the UART and work fine if FIFO is not enabled (but with rate limited to 57,600, otherwise at 115,200 i get many OVERRUN errors).
When enable the FIFO happen this:

1) The receiver, randomly, lose some character (in my test i use a periodic fixed pattern)
2) The TX side seem really crazy: send a lot of unexpected characters mixed with the right pattern.

The ISR is the same, with or without FIFO enabled, but with 2 differences:

1) in the RX side the routine recheck bit 0 of LSR register for empty the FIFO is are available characters.
2) In the TX side i send just one character without FIFO or 16 chars. with FIFO enabled.

I tried to send just one byte with FIFO enabled too, but result no change. I have 2 different chips, one from mouser (T.I. device) and one from utsource (EXAR ST16C550), both same beahviour.
With FIFO enabled the strange result happen at any rate (19,200, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200).
Without FIFO enabled both chips work fine till 57,600.

Someone have experience using this UART?


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:48 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:50 pm
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Perhaps the UART is responding to dummy bus cycles produced by the CPU. The NMOS 6502, the 65C02 and the 65C816 all have this behavior, although the details vary. I can't be sure dummy bus cycles are what cause your difficulty but it seems possible.

With '816 there's a hardware remedy, and that's to wires things in such a way that the UART cannot get a chip-select when the VDA signal is low. If you don't use VDA then other remedies are available -- the same ones that apply for NMOS 6502. In particular, there's a workaround that may be required if you're using indexed addressing to talk to the UART. More info here.

Are you using VDA? It might be helpful to see your schematic. Also the code for your ISR. :)


In 1988 my 65C02 got six new registers and 44 new full-speed instructions!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:27 pm 
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Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:56 pm
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I've quite a lot of experience now fiddling with 16C550s, though I've yet to be able to get mine to work properly either (though its a different problem that is probably down to some duff hardware - see Problematic UART).

I've not noticed anything along the lines of what you're experiencing whilst fiddling with mine.

As Jeff said, it'd be useful if you could post your schematic and code.

Want to design a PCB for your project? I strongly recommend KiCad. Its free, its multiplatform, and its easy to learn!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:34 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:18 am
Posts: 83
Location: Italy
Cannot show schematic now, when i go back in my office can show.
Anyway i think is just a software problem, because, as told, ISR work fine without FIFO enabled.

I no have experience with this kind of chip and i tried to follow suggestions found in an old "Application Notes AN-0491" by National Semiconductor ("The NS16550A: UART Design and Application Considerations").
Both datasheet from T.I. and EXAR say that TX FIFO can be loaded with 16 bytes while servicing TX interrupt, and that the reciver buffer can be readden until "data ready bit" (LSR<0>) is set.

Below show the extracted part of the involved software, with ISR routine and routines for get/put a byte from/into buffer.


; some useful macros
PNFLAG      .EQU   10000000B   ; Negative flag
PVFLAG      .EQU   01000000B   ; Overflow flag
PMFLAG      .EQU   00100000B   ; Acc/Mem 8 bit flag
PXFLAG      .EQU   00010000B   ; Index 8 bit flag
PDFLAG      .EQU   00001000B   ; Decimal flag
PIFLAG      .EQU   00000100B   ; IRQ disable flag
PZFLAG      .EQU   00000010B   ; Zero flag
PCFLAG      .EQU   00000001B   ; Carry flag

   rep   #PXFLAG
   .LONGI   on

   sep   #PXFLAG
   .LONGI   off

CPU08:      .MACRO
   sep   #(PMFLAG.OR.PXFLAG)
   .LONGA   off
   .LONGI   off

ACC08:      .MACRO
   sep   #PMFLAG
   .LONGA   off

ACC16:      .MACRO
   rep   #PMFLAG
   .LONGA   on

SPOUTBUFF4   .EQU   $05E000      ; TX buffer
SPINBUFF4   .EQU   $05F000      ; RX buffer
SOBUFSIZ4   .EQU   $1000      ; TX buffer size
SIBUFSIZ4   .EQU   $1000      ; RX buffer size

NGUARD4      .EQU   $0100      ; count of guard bytes for deassert CTS
NFREE4      .EQU   $0400      ; min. count of free bytes in RX buffer for assert CTS      

UARTDP      .EQU   $0500      ; direct page

; uart 16C550 at $00FF20
UART_RXTX   .EQU   $00FC20   ; DLAB=0
UART_IER   .EQU   $00FC21   ; DLAB=0
UART_DLL   .EQU   $00FC20   ; divisor latch low, DLAB=1
UART_DLH   .EQU   $00FC21   ; divisor latch high, DLAB=1
UART_IIR   .EQU   $00FC22   ; Int. Ident. Reg., read only
UART_FCR   .EQU   $00FC22   ; FIFO Ctrl Reg., write only
UART_LCR   .EQU   $00FC23   ; Line Ctrl Reg.
UART_MCR   .EQU   $00FC24   ; Modem Ctrl Reg.
UART_LSR   .EQU   $00FC25   ; Line Status Reg. (read only)
UART_MSR   .EQU   $00FC26   ; Modem Status Reg. (read only)
UART_SCP   .EQU   $00FC27   ; scratchpad reg.

; DIRECT PAGE variables's to handle 16C550
spmode4      .DB   ; <7>: 0=no handshake, 1=handshake
         ; <6>: 0=software/1=hardware handshake
         ; <5>: if = 1 FIFO is disabled
         ; <4>: not used
         ; <3>: 0=odd parity, 1=even parity
         ; <2>: 0=no parity, 1=parity as specified
         ;      by bit <3>
         ; <1:0> : baud rate
         ;   00 =  19200
         ;   01 =  38400
         ;   10 =  57600
         ;   11 = 115200
splin4      .DB   ; <7>: /DSR line level
         ; <6>: /CTS line level
sppause4   .DB   ; local/remote pause flag's      
         ; <7>: remote pause (sent an XOFF or set RTS=1)
         ; <6>: local pause (received an XOFF or CTS=1)

spcnt4      .DB   ; count of bytes to send while tx interrupt

spstat4      .DB   ; status
         ; <7>: rx error (data discarded)
         ; <6>: rx buffer overrun
         ; <5>: remote disconnession (/DSR line = 1)
         ; <4>: output buffer overrun
         ; <3>: received a break
         ; <2>: framing error
         ; <1>: parity error
         ; <0>: overrun error

sptmp4      .DB   ; used for save X reg. while get/put routine and by ISR

uartlsr      .DB   ; save UART LSR reg. while ISR
uartiir      .DB   ; save UART IIR reg. while ISR

ibuftail4   .DW   ; pointer to tail of input buffer (get routine use it)
ibufhead4   .DW   ; pointer to head of input buffer (ISR routine use it)
obuftail4   .DW   ; pointer to tail of output buffer (ISR routine use it)
obufhead4   .DW   ; pointer to head of output buffer (put routine use it)
ibufcnt4   .DW   ; current count of bytes stored in input buffer
obufcnt4   .DW   ; current count of bytes stored in output buffer
icntmin4   .DW   ; min. count of bytes in rx buffer for clear remote pause
icntmax4   .DW   ; max. count of bytes in rx buffer for set remote pause


; init serial port 16C550
; A=mode (like in spmode4)
; At this time just harware handshake is implemented
; WARNING: assume DBR = 0
   sei         ; disable interrupt
   pea   #UARTDP
   sta   spmode4      ; save mode
   stz   !UART_LCR
   stz   !UART_IER   ; disable all UART interrupts
   stz   !UART_MCR   ; /RTS and /DTR high
   stz   !UART_FCR   ; disable FIFO
   ldx   .ABS.UART_RXTX   ; clear any pending interrupt
   ldx   .ABS.UART_LSR
   ldx   .ABS.UART_IIR   
   ldx   #$80      ; set DLAB = 1 in LCR
   stx   .ABS.UART_LCR
   tay         ; save mode
   and   #00000011B   ; baud rate select
   lda   >?div,x      ; select divisor
   sta   !UART_DLL   ; set low latch
   stz   !UART_DLH   ; set high latch
   tya         ; mode
   and   #00001100B   ; mask on bits 3 & 2 (parity mode)
   asl   a      ; shift <3:2> to <4:3>
   ora   #00000011B   ; 8N1 (8 bits data, 1 stop bit)
   sta   !UART_LCR
   lda   !UART_MSR   ; get /DSR & /CTS status
   asl   a
   asl   a      ; <7>: /DSR, <6>: /CTS
   and   #11000000B
   eor   #11000000B
   sta   splin4      ; update line status
   stz   sppause4   ; init work area
   stz   spstat4
   lda   #1      ; set tx count = 1
   sta   spcnt4
   CPU16         ; init buffer's pointer's
   lda   #NGUARD4
   ldy   #NFREE4
   sta   icntmax4
   sty   icntmin4
   lda   #SIBUFSIZ4
   sbc   icntmax4
   sta   icntmax4
   stz   ibuftail4
   stz   ibufhead4
   stz   ibufcnt4
   stz   obuftail4
   stz   obufhead4
   stz   obufcnt4
   lda   #00000011B   ; set /RTS = /DTR low
   sta   !UART_MCR
   lda   #$20
   bit   spmode4
   bne   ?nof      ; no fifo
   lda   #10000111B   ; enable fifo, reset rx/tx fifo, trigger level = 8   
   sta   !UART_FCR   ; rx fifo trigger = 8
   lda   #16      ; set tx count = 16 in FIFO mode
   sta   spcnt4   
?nof:   lda   !UART_LSR   ; again reset all interrupts
   lda   !UART_MSR   
   lda   !UART_IIR
   lda   #00001111B   ; enable all interrupts
   sta   !UART_IER

;       19.200, 38.400, 57.600, 115.200
?div:   .DB   6,    3,    2,    1

; ISR routine (prologue and epilogue code for context switching not showed here)
; handle 16C550 interrupt
; WARNING: assume DBR = 0 and DP saved by interrupt handler prologue code
   pea   #UARTDP
   lda   !UART_IIR
   sta   uartiir      ; save for late check FIFO enabled
   lsr   a      ; if bit <0> = 1 no interrupt
   bcc   $+3      ; interrupt pending
   and   #0000011B   ; mask on priority code
   asl   a
   ; RX timeout interrupt and RX data available interrupt use the same routine
   jmp   (?uarttbl,x)   ; jump to right routine

   .DW   ?msr, ?tx, ?rx, ?lsr

?lsr:   jsr   uartlsr
   ;bra   uartisr      ; check again interrupt (was a test)
?msr:   jsr   uartmsr      ; MSR: modem status register
   ;bra   uartisr      ; check again iterrupt
?tx:   jsr   uarttx      ; TX FIFO or THR is empty
   ;bra   uartisr      ; check again interrupt

?rx:   jsr   uartrx      ; data available in RX FIFO or RHR
   ;bra   uartisr      ; check again interrupt

; this interrupt is raised when one of the modem lines change state
; here just DSR and CTS are used: DSR for signaling remote disconnession,
; CTS for hardware handshake (put local TX in pause)
   lda   !UART_MSR   ; clear interrupt
   asl   a
   asl   a      ; <7>: /DSR, <6>: /CTS
   eor   #$C0
   sta   splin4      ; update line status
   bit   spmode4
   bpl   ?end      ; no handshake: ignore line changes
   bpl   ?cts      ; /DSR is low, check /CTS
   lda   #$A0      ; /DSR is high
   tsb   spstat4      ; remote terminal disconnected
?cts:   txa
   lsr   a      ; check /CTS transition
   bcc   ?end      ; no /CTS transition
   ldx   #$40      ; local pause flag
   asl   a
   bpl   ?clp      ; transition /CTS high->low: clear local pause
   tsb   sppause4   ; /CTS high -> set local pause
   lda   #00000010B   ; disable TX interrupt
   trb   !UART_IER
?clp:   txa
   trb   sppause4   ; /CTS low -> clear local pause
   lda   #00000010B   ; enable TX interrupt
   tsb   !UART_IER
?end:   rts

; this interrupt is raised either when THR is empty
; or when TX FIFO is empty
   lda   #00000010B   ; disable TX interrupt
   trb   !UART_IER
   bit   sppause4   ; local pause is set ?
   bvs   ?done      ; yes, no tx possible at this time
   ldy   obufcnt4   ; count of bytes in output buffer
   beq   ?done      ; nothing to send at this time
   ldx   obuftail4   ; pointer to tail of out buffer
   lda   spcnt4      ; set the bytes count
   sta   sptmp4
?txl:   lda   >SOBUFADDR4,x   ; get data from the tail of output buffer
   sta   !UART_RXTX   ; load data into FIFO/THR
   inx         ; update head pointer
   and   #(SOBUFSIZ4-1)   ; circular queue
   dey         ; update count
   beq   ?upd      ; nothing else to send
   dec   sptmp4
   bne   ?txl      ; loop: load more bytes if FIFO enabled
?upd:   stx   obuftail4
   sty   obufcnt4
?done:   CPU08         ; NOTE: tx interrupt will be re-enabled by put routine
   rts         ; or by a negative /CTS transition

; this interrupt is raised when receive a byte with some errors
   lda   #00000101B   ; disable LSR & RX interrupt
   trb   UART_IER
   lda   !UART_LSR   ; get line status and clear interrupt
   sta   uartlsr      ; save for further debugging
   lsr   a      ; CF = 1 if available a new rx byte
   and   #$0F      ; mask on rx errors
   ora   #$80      ; set rx error bit
   sta   spstat4      ; set status register
   bcc   ?done      ; no new char received
   lda   !UART_RXTX   ; get top fifo data or THR & discard
   bit   uartiir
   bvc   ?done      ; no FIFO enabled
   lda   #10000011B   ; clear RX FIFO
   sta   !UART_FCR
?done:   rts         ; after rx error, rx interrupt are disabled

; this interrupt is raised either when RHR is full or when RX FIFO reach the
; programmed trigger level (in this case 8)
   lda   #$01      ; disable RX interrupt
   trb   UART_IER
   ldy   ibufcnt4   ; count of bytes in input buffer
   ldx   ibufhead4   ; pointer to head of input buffer
?loop:   lda   !UART_LSR   ; get line status
   sta   uartlsr
   lsr   a      ; CF = 1 if available a new rx byte
   and   #$0F      ; mask on rx errors
   bcc   ?done1      ; no data available, re-enable rx int. & exit
   xba         ; save error code
   lda   !UART_RXTX   ; get top fifo data or THR
?tst:   beq   ?rx      ; no rx error pending
   ora   #$80      ; set rx error bit
   bra   ?sst      ; set status reg. & discard received data
?rx:   xba         ; A = received data
   cpy   icntmax4   ; check input buff. for remote pause condition
   bcc   ?str      ; below guard limit: store data
   xba         ; B = received data
   lda   #00000010B   ; hardware handshake...
   trb   !UART_MCR   ; ...set RTS=1
   lda   #$80      ; set remote pause flag
   tsb   sppause4   ; bit 7=1 -> remote pause on
   xba         ; A = received data
?chk:   cpy   #SIBUFSIZ4   ; left room in input buffer?
   bcc   ?str      ; yes, store received byte
   lda   #$C0      ; set bit 7: rx error, bit 6: rx overrun
?sst:   sta   spstat4      ; set status register
   bra   ?done      ; discard received data & exit
?str:   sta   >SIBUFADDR4,x   ; now store received data
   iny         ; update bytes count
   inx         ; update rx head pointer
   and   #(SIBUFSIZ4-1)   ; circular queue
   bra   ?loop      ; check again if rx data available
?done:   stx   ibufhead4   ; save rx head pointer
   sty   ibufcnt4   ; save bytes count
?done1:   INDEX08
   lda   #$01      ; re-enable rx interrupt
   tsb   UART_IER

; get a byte from input buffer and return in A
; return:
;   CF = 0, A = byte from queue
;   CF = 1, A = 0 if no new byte available
;   CF = 1, A > 0 if rx error (A = error code)
   sei         ; disable interrupt
   pea   #UARTDP
   sec         ; assume error
   stx   sptmp4      ; save X reg.
   lda   spstat4      ; rx pending error?
   bmi   ?done      ; yes, exit (CF = 1, A = error code)
   lda   #0      ; assume no data available
   tay         ; Y = 0
   ldx   ibufcnt4   ; available new data?
   beq   ?done      ; input queue is empty (exit with CF=1, A=0)
   dex         ; update count
   stx   ibufcnt4
   ldx   ibuftail4   ; tail input buffer pointer
   lda   >SIBUFADDR4,x   ; get byte from queue
   inx         ; update tail pointer
   cpx   #SIBUFSIZ4
   bcc   ?upd
   tyx         ; circular queue
?upd:   stx   ibuftail4
   bit   spmode4      ; handshake is on?
   bpl   ?ok      ; no, exit
   bit   sppause4   ; remote pause is on?
   bpl   ?ok      ; no, exit
   ldx   ibufcnt4   
   cpx   icntmin4   ; can clear remote pause?
   bcs   ?ok      ; no, exit
   xba         ; save data
   lda   #00000010B   ; hardware handshake...
   tsb   !UART_MCR   ; ...set /RTS=0
   lda   #$80
   trb   sppause4   ; clear remote pause flag
   lda   #00000010B   ; set IER<1>
   tsb   !UART_IER   ; re-enable tx interrupt   
   xba         ; recover data
?ok:   clc         ; no error
?done:   CPU08
   ldx   sptmp4      ; restore X reg.
   rts         ; CF=1 & A=0 mean: no data available

; put a byte in the output buffer
   sei         ; disable interrupt
   pea   #UARTDP
   stx   sptmp4      ; save X reg.
   ldy   #0      ; Y = 0
   ldx   obufcnt4
   cpx   #SOBUFSIZ4   ; output buffer is full?
   bcc   ?str      ; no, store byte
   bit   splin4      ; test /DSR line status
   bmi   ?ofl      ; remote terminal disconnected
   xba         ; save A
   lda   #00000010B   ; enable TX interrupt...
   tsb   !UART_IER   ; ... hoping that ISR can make room in output buffer
   bra   ?done      ; exit with CF=1, Y=0: output buffer is full
?ofl:   dey         ; /DSR high
   lda   #00000010B
   trb   !UART_IER   ; disable tx interrupt   
   bra   ?done      ; exit with CF=1, Y=$FF: remote terminal offline
?str:   inx         ; update count
   stx   obufcnt4
   ldx   obufhead4   ; output buffer head pointer
   sta   >SOBUFADDR4,x   ; store byte in output buffer
   inx         ; update head pointer
   cpx   #SOBUFSIZ4   
   bcc   ?upd
   tyx         ; circular queue
?upd:   stx   obufhead4
   lda   #00000010B
   tsb   !UART_IER   ; re-enable tx interrupt   
   xba         ; return A = sent data
   clc         ; no error
?done:   INDEX08
   ldx   sptmp4      ; restore X reg.   

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:21 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:18 am
Posts: 83
Location: Italy
Just for curiosity: problem solved.
First of all I changed the data buffer on the board (74ALS245 replaced with 74HCT245).
Was a case discover this solution: write cycle are qualified by an "PHI0" (cpu clock PHI2 is delayed by 10ns but I have a switch for delay 20ns) and all work fine with this delay. After replacing data buffer not longer need this delay.
Is a mistery why without FIFO enabled all worked fine. I suppose that when write FIFO on 16C550, data bus hold time need some more time.
Anyway now I can safe connect 65c816 machine to PC at 230,400 with FIFO trigger set at 8 bytes.

http://65xx.unet.bz/ - Hardware & Software 65XX family

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