pokey wrote:
I expect that most of my code will be generated and not hand written, so a simple assembler will suffice. I mostly care about syntax, I need to generate code that is not painful to look at for a seasoned 6502 programmer.
The 6502/65C02/65816 syntax will be pretty uniform, but the assembler directives will vary a little bit from one assembler to another. If you have to adapt 65xx source code to make it assemble on a different assembler, hopefully a text editor's search-and-replace feature will quickly do most of it, after you know what to search for and what to replace those things with. For example, .WORD on some assemblers is DWL on the C32 assembler, for "Define Word(s), Low byte first." Many will use ORG (ORiGin) for telling the assembler what address to start assembling the following section for, while others will use .ORG or *=.
Making your code clear and easy to look at depends on you, not really the assembler. It's something we all need to keep striving for, regardless of what level we're at so far. Visual factoring is important. See the last few paragraphs of the "
Debugging" page of my
6502 primer, under "Debugging. Part III. An ounce of prevention..."