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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:36 pm 
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BigEd wrote:
Hmm, I thought it worked out neatly, but trying it out I seem to be confused.

I think my confusion might come from the idea that excess-3 is a good representation for BCD hardware, as it exposes the right inter-digit carries and supports subtraction nicely. But it turns out not to help so much for byte-at-a-time software.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:46 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 12, 2014 6:18 pm
Posts: 365
In fact, one should skip the division by two of the original numbers and double the array (to 512 words) to get a correct lookup table (and take that into account that you are retrieving a value 4 times what you intended). After subtraction you simply divide by 4.
You could also include the divide by 4 in the values stored in the table, which is what all the examples I found of that routine do. That way only takes 60 cycles with a BCD to decimal look up table.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:45 pm 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
I decided to see the Urdhva Tiryagbhyam algorithm based multiplier to completion.
It's not super optimized code, taking around 250 cycles using a 128 byte table.

I have a problem when trying to add it to the test framework.
"ERROR E021: Undefined label '.multiplydone'. ROW 83"

.multiplydone is right where it should be, and my multiply code is inside conditional .IF .ENDIF statements like the other modules.
Any tips?

I'll post the code after I comment it properly.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:16 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 12, 2014 6:18 pm
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I'll post the code after I comment it properly.
No real way for us to tell until we see it. I will say, though, that if you used any labels or variables without a dot before them between referencing .multiplydone and the .multiplydone label, then the Kowalski assembler forgets all labels and variables that begin with a dot.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:11 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
Thanks Druzyek.

That was all the hint I needed, I had a non .label in the routine.
I'm not familiar with Kowalski assembler and my 6502 skills have about 22 years of rust built up since they were last used.

The routine assembles in the framework now, though I'm not bug free yet, but will ask the question when I post the source.

Edit: Changed 30 yrs of rust to 22. Decades playing tricks on me.

Last edited by Cray Ze on Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:44 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
That last issue was because I was clearing decimal mode on exit, which upset the main loop somewhat.
Working, naive, unoptimized code bellow.
I know I need better comments.

Code is a bit long putting three BRA's (in the test framework) out of range,
they'll need to be changed to JMP's for the framework to compile.

The full test runs in 2813307 cycles.

An extra table or two could get around a few of the shifts.

        ;Method 20 - Urdhva Tiryagbhyam
        .IF MultiplyRoutine==20

        ;Comments include a workthrough for the example of 74 x 23

        ;(7 × 2), (7 × 3) + (4 × 2), (4 × 3)
        ;   R0            R1            R3

        ;   $14           $29           $12
        ;     4             9             2     Units                   U
        ; 1   2             1                   Carried tens            T
        ;     1                                 Traditional carry       TC
        ; 1   7             0             2     Result  74 x 23 = 1702

                SED             ;      Decimal mode can be set for the whole routine.
                LDA Arg1        ;74    Mask out low nyble of Arg1
                AND #$F0        ;7     and save it for later
                STA R0          ;
                STA R1          ;
                LDA Arg2        ;23    Mask out low nyble of Arg2
              ;  AND #$F0        ;2     and shift high nyble to
                LSR             ;      units position
                LSR             ;
                LSR             ;
                LSR             ; 2
                ORA R0          ;72     Merge the separated nybles.
                TAX             ;
                LDA table_cz,X  ;       Do four bit multiply via Lookup        7x2 = 14
                STA R0          ;14     Store result in R0
                LDA Arg2        ;23     Mask out high nyble of Arg2
                AND #$0F        ; 3     and save it for later
                STA R3          ; 3
                ORA R1          ;73     Merge the separated nybles.Lookup(7x3) $21
                TAX             ;   
                LDA table_cz,X  ;       Do four bit multiply via Lookup        7x3 = 21
                STA R1          ;21     Store result in R1
                LDA Arg1        ;74     Mask out high nyble of Arg1
                AND #$0F        ; 4     and save it
                STA R2          ; 4
                LDA Arg2        ;23     Mask out low nyble of Arg2
                AND #$F0        ;2
                ORA R2          ;24     Merge with stored R2
                TAX             ;
                LDA table_cz,X  ;       Do four bit multiply via Lookup        2x4 = 8
                ADC R1          ;       Add to stored R1            R1 = $08+$21 = $29
                STA R1          ;   
                LDA #$00        ;
                BCC .no_carry   ;       If result is over 99
                LDA #$10        ;       Carry the 100 digit over to the result
.no_carry       STA ResultHi    ;
                LDA Arg1        ;74     Shift low nyble of Arg1 into tens position
                ASL             ;
                ASL             ;
                ASL             ;
                ASL             ;4
                ORA R3          ;43     Merge with stored R3
                TAX             ;
                LDA table_cz,X  ;12     Do four bit multiply via Lookup        4x3 = 12
                TAX             ;       Store result in X Reg, we'll need it a bit.
                AND #$0F        ;2      Mask high nyble
                STA ResultLo    ;       Save first byble of final result
                TXA             ;12     Now we get the high nyble
                STA R3          ;1      And store it in R3
                LDA R1          ;29     Fetch stored R1
                AND #$0F        ; 9     and mask off high nyble
                ADC R3          ;10     and add with R3                        9 + 1 = 10
                TAX             ;       save it in X
                ASL             ;       shift low nyble
                ASL             ;0
                ORA ResultLo
                STA ResultLo    ;       Save second nyble of final result
                TXA             ;10
                LSR             ; 1     (Traditional carry)
                STA R3
                LDA R1          ;29     Fetch stored R1
             ;   AND #$F0        ;20     and mask off low nyble
                LSR             ; 2     shift high nyble to low pos
                ADC R3
                STA R3          ; 3     and add to R3
                LDA R0          ;14     Fetch stored R0   
                AND #$0F        ; 4     and mask off high nyble
                ADC R3          ; 7     and add to R3
                TAX             ;       and store in X Reg
                AND #$0F        ;       mask off high nyble
                STA R3          ;       store in R3
                TXA             ;       Grab the value back for X Reg, we want the other nyble now
                AND #$F0        ;       mask off low nyble
                STA R2          ;       store in R2
                LDA R0          ;14     Fetch stored R0
                AND #$F0        ;1      and mask off low nyble
                ADC ResultHi    ;       add some accumulated carries
                ADC R2
                ORA R3
                STA ResultHi    ;       and store the final ResultHi


        ;     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  |---- Address  Padding ----|

        .DB $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07, $08, $09, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF

        .DB $00, $02,           $04, $06, $08, $10, $12, $14, $16, $18          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $03,           $06, $09, $12, $15, $18, $21, $24, $27          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $04,           $08, $12, $16, $20, $24, $28, $32, $36          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $05,           $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $06,           $12, $18, $24, $30, $36, $42, $48, $54          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $07,           $14, $21, $28, $35, $42, $49, $56, $63          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $08,           $16, $24, $32, $40, $48, $56, $64, $72          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
        .DB $00, $09,           $18, $27, $36, $45, $54, $63, $72, $81          , $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF

                                ;Slightly slower code could use the sub
                                ;table above at just 64 bytes. Perhaps
                                ;storing it in ZeroPage could gain back
                                ;some cycles.

                                ;Challenge: There are still 28 duplicate
                                ;results in the sub table, in a predictable
                                ;pattern......I see a way......

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:15 am 
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Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:36 am
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I just wrote a similar algo, then I found this thread; didn't know it's called "Urdhva Tiryagbhyam", I just tried this method.
It executes in about 160 cycles, with the same 160 bytes table (which needs to be aligned to a page boundary); not the fastest, but compact enough.
Could gain a dozen cycles by putting the variables in zero page.

        lda #$56
        sta op1
        lda #$78
        sta op2

;*            ab *
;*            cd =
;*  _________________
;*           >bd <bd
;*       >da <da
;*       >cb <cb
;*   >ca <ca
;*  _________________

        lda #>multab
        sta pnt+1
        lda op1
        and #$0f        ; b
        lda op2
        and #$f0        ; c <<4
        sta pnt
        lda (pnt),y     ; c * b
        sta temp

        lda op2
        asl             ; d <<4
        sta pnt
        lda (pnt),y     ; d * b
        sta prod+1 

        lda op1
        lsr             ; a
        lda (pnt),y     ; d * a
        adc temp        ; b*c + d*a

        tax             ; split nibbles
        sta prod
        adc prod+1
        sta prod+1      ; lo byte

        lda op2
        and #$f0        ; c <<4
        sta pnt
        lda (pnt),y     ; c * a
        adc prod
        sta prod        ; hi byte

op1   =$61
op2   =$62
temp  =$63
prod  =$64


align 256
        byte    $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07, $08, $09,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $02, $04, $06, $08, $10, $12, $14, $16, $18,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $03, $06, $09, $12, $15, $18, $21, $24, $27,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $04, $08, $12, $16, $20, $24, $28, $32, $36,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $05, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $06, $12, $18, $24, $30, $36, $42, $48, $54,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $07, $14, $21, $28, $35, $42, $49, $56, $63,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $08, $16, $24, $32, $40, $48, $56, $64, $72,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0
        byte    $00, $09, $18, $27, $36, $45, $54, $63, $72, $81,   $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0

*** updated: now with page zero variables and a few improvements, executes in 127 cycles +rts

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