barrym95838 wrote:
It has been about 30 years since I attempted any boolean algebra or Karnaugh mapping, so please take my limited advice with a grain of salt, but I think that you might be able to leave the first term alone and factor /C out of the second and third terms, ending up with /A/BC + /CA. Going back to your strategy, /AB + A/B can be reduced to A XOR B, but I don't know if introducing XOR into the mix is in line with what you are asking.
Mike B.
That's for the reply Mike.
I haven't tried what you mentioned yet, but I'm going to rework it as you suggested in the morning. However, I know of XOR, it's truth table and the gate symbol. When I went to reduce the term in the picture, I didn't immediately recognized that A~C + ~AC was an XOR until I plugged in a truth table. I was trying to factor out and reduce, but the example in the picture I fail to see what I'm missing. Does that mean you can go to factor out a term, but the resulting expression cannot be reduced? Given all the examples I've worked before, I just assume that every time you factor you can reduce. It doesn't appear so in that example.