BigEd wrote:
It'll be interesting to see what you come up with - especially if it's relatively easy to apply your verifier to other, existing, cores.
One thought: by checking the revision history of cores and emulators, you can see which bugs have commonly been fixed late in development. You can test your generator by seeing if it finds those bugs.
Yeah, that'd be pretty cool - I don't think it'd be that difficult to incorporate other cores since the signals are going to be the same going in and out. I'll try to make it as portable as possible.
The problem I ran into relatively early was the issue of asynchronous memory - I'm using Xilinx BRAM, overclocking it with an external 10X clock, and pipelining the hell out of the core. I still have to think that the end results should still all work.
The good news is that the hard part is already done - the FSM and decoder took a couple afternoons to straighten out (probably because i'm relatively new at this). But at this point, it's a matter of just adding in opcodes and making it wiggle like it's supposed to. I'll post something in the next week - I'd appreciate if other people can take a look at what I've got and can hammer on it for a bit to see if I've got holes that I'm unaware of. But, until I've got complete opcode coverage, that is probably not a good idea. Maybe once I've got the entire thing up and running, I'll make a new post and request people to hammer on it and try to break it. That sort of thing sounds pretty cool to me. Thanks for the feedback.