bluesky6 wrote:
@Michael: nice! Is that the Kicad feature that allows you to show the board in 3d?
No, that output is from DipTrace.
Be careful that the VCC line between VCC and /RST is actually not VCC but the Z80 /M1 signal. This signal is needed to qualify I/O ops vs interrupt ack. I tie that to high/VCC on my non-Z80 CPU boards.
Oops! Thank you. I missed that.
I generally gate RAM OE and WR signals to Phi2 to fully qualify them. That unfortunately adds a '00 to my design.
Yes, I understand that's necessary for non-65xx peripherals.
If you are using other RC2014 memory boards (presumably ROM), you'll want to invert the A15 signal. My long winded blog article have those details If you are going full native 6502, that is unneeded.
I did read your articles. Very nice write up. Your solutions for overcoming the hurdles imposed by this particular architecture and bus and for using some of the RC2014 peripheral boards were/are very elegant.
I have relatively simple "loader" methods/designs for 65C02 and CDP1802 (Z80 coming soon) so I don't see any advantage using ROM and I shouldn't have to mess with the A15 address line. Also, I suspect that placing a 64K or 128K RAM chip on each CPU board will reduce the need to add missing signals to the bus.
I am also now using pin 39 of the RC2014 bus for the R/W signal from the 6502. This is primarily for driving 65xx/68xx-style peripherals that need a Phi2 pre-rising edge setup time for control signals. So the 6522 board uses that as well as my upcoming 6551 board.
Then I will use pin 39 for that signal on my layout, too.
Finally, as I suggested to CommodoreJohn, if you looking for versatility for the I/O port mapping, consider putting it and the associated circuitry on its own plug-in board. This is really more aligned with the RC2014 philosophy (which I've freely violated
) of segmenting distinct sub-functionalities into their own physical "modules".
Yes, I noticed the violations (grin). Most of Grant Searle's "Minimum Z80" computer was broken down into modules on a bus and you've re-integrated the separate clock and decoder modules into your 65C02 board design (grin).
I admit it's tempting to put a whole 4-chip Serial 64K 65C02 computer on a single card (see below) but I'm not sure I could route it...
Cheerful regards, Mike