Hi Hartze11 - welcome
I do not have that tiny board but the SXB board containing the same MPU. It is powered through USB - so to say the Spark Fun is "integrated". Catching the first greeting string is difficult, because my terminal program won't start using the serial port simply because the port isn't present unless the board is attached ...
So you may use the reset button to look whether something changes. Your settings (9600/N/8/1) is correct. Your terminal settings should disable the use of RTS(P57, J5.6) / CTS(P56, J5.2) ("Flow control = none") but your interface should be connected to these signals as well as to RxD(P66, J5.4) / TxD(P67, J5.5). If without flow control still nothing appears, try RTS/CTS handshake as well.
You may also check PHI2 (J2p4). It should start with 32,768 KHz (briefly) then switching to 3,6864 MHz. If this won't appear the crystal may be poor or broken. You could try to get it running with a wet finger across the pins of the 3,6MHz crystal - this way you add a parallel "resistor" which helps the oscillator to get running.
You could check the Reset signal at the button. One side should show Vcc the other GND. Pressing the button should lower Vcc to GND.
Good luck !
edit(1): what I remember when trying crystals with higher frequencies: each time the Reset button was hit, the high speed oscillator was turned off then on again - but
if the crystal frequency was not 3,6864 MHz the terminal settings didn't work
although the default setting of the Mensch monitor is 9600/8/N/1 for 3,6864 MHz. So I was forced to start with 3,6864 then pull out and replace the crystal and sometimes gave it a little kick (wet finger).
The 32 KHz oscillator is always running. But it is a bit difficult to check - on pin 37 of the MPU. Because the MPU starts with this slow clock, nothing would happen if this clock is not running.