Ok guys. I am able to write to a 44780 LCD module using a 65C22S VIA without issues. One thing that bothers me is that I'm having to write a delay routine which simply spams NOP commands between each write as LCD is not fast enough unless I run my PHI2 at 2MHz or below.
To address this I was going to use a timer, but as Garth has pointed out elsewhere I should be using the LCD's busy flag.
As such, I've tried writing some code to do this, but so far not got very far.
Here's my efforts so far:
- I know I should be using ORA and AND to flip selective bits rather than writing whole values, but it's easier to see what's going on when writing entire values. Will correct when I get the code right
- VIA_DDRA refers to the data direction register for port A of the VIA. This has been tested and works
- VIA_outA refers to the IRA/ORA register for the VIA. Again, it has been tested and works.
- The LCD is in 4 bit mode when this code is called
- Writing to the LCD works fine using the delay routine (delay40) which uses NOPs to delay the 65C02
- If the delay40 calls in the write character to LCD routine are replaced by calls to this code then the CPU never exits the busy flag checking loop in this code
# PA0-3 = LCD DB4 to DB7
# PA4 = E
# PA5 = R/W 0=ok for next op, 1=LCD is busy
# PA6 = RS 0=command, 1=data
# PA7 = not connected
SECTION -- LCD is ready for command check --
# save A and the flags to the stack
# set LCD DB4-7 (VIA port A pins 0-3) to input as well as LCD RW (VIA port A pin 5) (VIA regards 1=output, 0=input)
LDA #%11010000
# set LCD RW to read using VIA port A pin 5 = 1 (RW=Read)
# also, set LCD RS to command mode using VIA port A pin 6 = 0 (RS=Instruction mode)
# Set E to low in readiness to send command
LDA #%10100000
# this loop simply keeps checking the busy flag of the LCD and exits when it's 0
# send E high to send first part of read busy flag command
LDA #%10110000
JSR delay40
# Set E low (bit 4) and then bring high to send second part of read busy flag command
LDA #%10100000
LDA #%10110000
# read port A - we need pin 3 (LCD DB 7)
# busy flag (db7, port A pin 3) needs to be 0 to carry on and not loop
# check to see if the bit is set to 1. If not then carry on. Otherwise loop
# if DB7 (BusyFLag) = 1 then LCD is busy. To check, BIT will perform an AND between the result of DB7
# and %00001000. This will reuslt in a 1 (for busy) or a 0 (for ok). If result=0 (ok) then Z flag=1.
# if result=1 (busy) then Z flag=0
# BNE branches if Z=0 (busy)
BIT #%00001000
BNE LCDvalidLoop
# set VIA port A back to output as we need to leave it ready to send commands or data to the LCD
# set VIA to RW=0 (write mode), E=0, RS=0 (command mode)
LDA #%00000000
# restore the A register and the flags on routine exit