I don't have a multiplexer. This was just planning. I think I'll go back to my original plan of using raw binary through a DIL bar display, that'll make the wiring so much simpler.
In other news, I got the parcel from Mouser yesterday afternoon, containing a 65C02, the RAM, the EEPROM, the reset IC and the oscillator, as well as an anti-static mat.
I wired EA onto the data pins(tying both high and low), and connected a few LEDs to the 4 highest-order address lines via transistors.
I'd noticed that the end of the breadboard that the 'C02 was on was a bit flaky, as the LEDs would change when I pushed on the bottom of the board at the end with the 'C02, so I moved it to the other end of the board, rewiring the whole lot.
All was going well, until about 20 minutes ago, when something released smoke
. I think it was the oscillator can, as the 'C02 is still working, now that I've corrected my wiring (again). I had the BE pin floating, instead of tied high. I'm lucky I didn't blow that up as well. I've checked the primer, and there's a clock there that's a resistor and a capacitor, so I'll use that.
The oscillator is probably cactus, but: Is there a way to test whether or not it's working, without an oscilloscope? It's a 1MHz oscillator can.