8BIT wrote:
I just read this in the May Atmel newsletter. I wonder what their future products will look like?
They look like this:
http://www.microchip.com/mplab/mplab-xpressIt resembles Arduino with the shield concept.
MPLAB® Xpress is cloud based and provides:
•Simplified IDE to get started
•No software installation required
•Simulate now – no board necessary
•Use your existing myMicrochip Login credentials to save your work in the cloud
•Begin from library of existing projects
•Evaluation of the most recent Compilers, and PRO optimizations
Throw away your Arduino? Hello Microchip? Works like a thumb drive. I heard no one is going to get upset because ARM Mbed had this for years.
Quickstart guide:
http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/D ... 02462A.pdfSelf paced guide is here:
http://microchip.wikidot.com/xpress:start#toc0So basically some of their products will be more "Arduino" like.