Those instructions, from what I can tell, are for creating your own version.
They also say to run the script. Since I'm on Windows, I just translated one of the commands and arbitrarily picked microtan. I also tried cbmbasic1.
I tried it in uppercase but it made no difference.
if [ ! -d tmp ]; then
mkdir tmp
for i in cbmbasic1 cbmbasic2 kbdbasic osi kb9 applesoft microtan; do
echo $i
ca65 -D $i msbasic.s -o tmp/$i.o &&
ld65 -C $i.cfg tmp/$i.o -o tmp/$i.bin -Ln tmp/$i.lbl
** EDIT **
One easy fix is that it doesn't like the C style comments "/*...*/". So changing them to ";" removes those errors.
** EDIT 2 **
ca65 is clearly failing on assembling negative numbers. One of the examples is:
lda #-9
I would have no idea what to put there instead. I'm not sure what the original intent was.
My assumption is that I could translate that to binary instead (%1111_0111) but not sure what to do on this one:
ldx #TEMP1-FAC+1
It's evaluating to -9 as well.