Using individual bytes in the address map for one thing or another requires an awful lot of decoding circuitry, which means more parts, more work to wire up, and lower maximum clock speeds once you get it going. Do you have a particular plan for so much memory? Most first-timers use only a couple of K maximum; and then when they're ready to use more memory, they probably also have a better idea of what they want in a computer and they make another one. I think everyone probably starts out with the idea that their first home-made computer is going to be so grandiose and expandable that they'll never want to make another, but in reality it never happens that way.
If you can get away with 16K of RAM and 32K of ROM (or vice-versa), and 10 or fewer I/O ICs, you can do the entire address decoding with nothing but a 74HC00. That's it. You can see how my workbench computer does it at ... chematic=2 . (Replace the inverter with another section of the 74xx00, and you can do it all with the one IC.) The main page for that computer is although the pictures and some of the info is outdated now that I've added more to it.
If you really want all those pages of memory, it would be so much easier to use a 65816 which gives you 16MB of address space with the only extra hardware being a 74ACT573 octal latch. It may seem daunting at first; but when you move beyond rudimentary programming, the '816 really is easier to program, even if you don't need the extra memory capability.
>Anyways, it's going to be a multi-board system
Try to keep everything that needs the processor's own buses on the main board. Spreading it out really limits your maximum clock speed because of transmission-line effects and capacitive loading. If you really don't want to ever move beyond 1 or 2MHz, that's your business of course; but it will be hard to move much beyond that in a home-made multi-board system where the processor's own buses go out on the backplane to the other boards.
> with either a VFD or led display.
How about an inteligent character LCD? They're cheap, take almost no power compared to the VFD or LEDs, and are a lot easier softwarewise to feed than the LED display.
> The processors I have are an SY6502B and an R65C02P2 I'm not sure which to use.
If you have the 65C02, don't even bother with the 6502. The 65C02 doesn't just take less power, but has more bus-driving capability, more instructions and addressing modes, has the NMOS bugs and quirks fixed, you can stop the clock (as for debugging), the clock oscillator doesn't necessarily need to be separate, and the new ones have more interface signals and will work at much higher speeds.