After some experimenting, I figured out how to upload S28 files to the 265SXB with Linux, necessary because the WDC Tools are Windows-only and closed-source. There is a longer version of this with examples at ... as part of the 265SXB Guide.
First, you need to install the srec_cat tools (Ubuntu 14.04):
sudo apt-get install srecord
This gives you (among other things) the srec_cat tool itself and srec_info to inspect the finished S28 file. For a binary machine code file (mensch.bin) and the output S28 file (mensch.s28) that is to be installed at 00:2000, we need
srec_cat mensch.bin -binary -offset 0x2000 -o mensch.s28 -address-length=3 -execution-start-address=0x2000
The double "0x2000" looks strange, but the record file isn't complete otherwise (or I'm doing something wrong). More generally, we have
srec_cat <BIN-FILE> -binary -offset <ADDRESS> -o <S28-FILE> -address-length=3 -execution-start-address=<ADDRESS>
(This just begs to be put in a script, obviously, but that's all I have time for today.)
To transfer the resulting file to the 265SXB, press "s" in the Mensch Monitor, and then with (say) minicom, start the transfer as pure ASCII (CTRL-A Z, s, pick "ascii"). Then use "j" to start the program.