sark02, I'm not sure you were adressing me specifically (I'm guessing not all of the time), but I'll comment on this as it relates to the project I'm planning, in case anyone is interested. And I hope I don't come off as too cranky.
sark02 wrote:
magetoo wrote:
A small diode "boot ROM" might be an option if I can get a useful amount of code into something I'd be willing to solder, hexadecimal entry into an SRAM before setting the CPU loose makes sense too; even flipping individual bits might be acceptable if one can use an EPROM and have it be persistent.
EEPROM would be 70s-era tech. Unless you have a UV eraser, I would suggest a FLASH chip, maybe something like this:
Yes, we certainly wouldn't want any 1970s tech in our 6502-based systems! :
That seems like an interesting chip, thanks! I might use that when I get to a larger system.
However, keep in mind that within the bounds of this project, I have a soldering iron, the usual parts in a hobbyist electronics lab,
and no computer. The conveniences that Flash memory provides, like in-system single-supply-voltage programming, aren't really all that relevant at that point.
A polled serial loader through the UART is, I would think, the simplest, as you have the UART timing and framing taken care of.
It seems that would imply that there would be a UART on the other end. I know that there used to be "bare" UARTs that would just read a data word from a parallel bus and shove it out serially, but I don't think those are made any more. Which means that there would have to be another processor on the other end, driving another UART - and I'm back to where I started, having to bootstrap
that system.
A simple shift register seems more straightforward to me. Data, clock, perhaps a word strobe signal - that seems simple enough to generate with a combination of analog and digital circuitry.
A UART would also require initialization code, so it couldn't be an option for initial bootstrapping, whereas the parallel output of a simple shift register could be used to feed data words to an SRAM, or maybe even feed instructions to a CPU directly, if you could also reliably generate a clock from the serial data stream. (I'm not saying that's necessarily a good option, but it's something I've thought of.)
It's not uncommon for computers to have "service processors"
I just want to acknowledge that this is also a pretty nifty way to structure one's system, even if it's not directly relevant here.