bvold wrote:
Does anyone know a cheap way to program EPROMs without the expense of a programmer. Or does anyone know where there is a cheap programmer I could get?
Thanks, :D :D
Hello EveryOne,
Haunting Ebay for used programmers might be your best way if you
don't have anything running yet. Also is there any chance that there might
be a local Robotics club nearby ? or even a University or trade School that
might have someone there during the Summer months who could help.
Another avenue to consider is to find an old Apple ][, C64 etc that
had an Programmer with it. I did my first EPROM programming ( and
assembling ) with a C64. It work great and was not alot of money.
This brings up an idea tho, as this topic occurs frequently. Maybe
the group should create an 02 based standalone programmer that tethers
to a PC and will accept Motorola "S" record or Intel hex. This would be a
good beginners project. Could we make something adaptable to Daryls brd
and is controlled by a VIA(S) or PIAs like the Needhams PB10 ?