I'm not fully happy with the WDC environment and tried to live with it for a while.
A few of the problems,
I have to run it as an Administrator or I get weird errors when saving the project, looks like default configurations are not saved.
When compiling/linking, no errors are visually displayed, you will have to scroll the little output window to see if there were any errors.
The recommended editor is UltraEditor which is not free, I tried the Atom editor but the WDC IDE launch the editor without open up my current .asm file.
The reason I tried the Atom editor is for the syntax highlights but the Atom editor didn't fit my needs otherwise...
So I was recommended to use the Notepad++ editor, I have actually been using it for a while but without customizing it.
I gave it a try specifically for 6502 Assembler and for me it's a step up from the WDC environment...
I was able to add syntax highlights for the 6502 Assembler and the WDC compiler pretty easily.
I downloaded the NppExec plugin and have been able to compile/Link/Debug my files from within Npp.
I can clearly see if there is a compilation/linking problem in the output window.
The debugger requires the WDCDB.INI file which I for now copy/paste from another project and then manually update to fit my needs.
However, it's a one time setup per project so it's not really a problem for me...
The WDC compiler fits my need and I decided to keep it, I had a little bit of frustration with it and the way it evaluates EQU statements.
SID_BASE EQU $7F20 ; base address of SID port on SXB
does not work because there is a space after SID_BASE so SID_FR1HI ended up having the address of $7F20.
SID_BASE EQU $7F20 ; base address of SID port on SXB
works and SID_FR1HI is now $7F21.
Any suggestions for editor/compiler/linker/debugger for W65C816SXB.