BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
Even more interesting would be to try your experiment with 74ABT or 74AC hardware. Anyone attempting to run the 65C02 or 65C816 at "full throttle" is going to have to use at least 74AC logic in order to keep up.
IMHO, using 74AC logic (I haven't used ABT logic, but from looking at the specs, I suspect it could be worse than the AC family) on a breadboard is a fool's errand. But let's see how the numbers stack up for a NAND gate along with my preferred logic family for high speed breadboard use (typical times listed):
74AC00: T(PLH) = 6 nS, T(PHL) = 4.5 nS
74ABT00: T(PLH) = 2.5 nS, T(PHL) = 2.0 nS
74AHC00: T(PLH) = 5.5 nS, T(PHL) = 5.5 nS
While the ABT is the clear winner here in terms of speed, the AHC devices are about as fast as the AC logic but their switching transients are far better. I don't know much about the ABT logic family offhand, so all I can say is that if they are not slew rate limited, they are going to cause even worse ground transients than the AC logic which is already horrible. Also, ground bounce problems caused by these fast devices will be exacerbated in circuits that use TTL logic levels.
Here is an excerpt from TI's literature on the AHC family:
The HCMOS family has very low switching noise, which is achieved primarily through a low slew rate, typically, 0.9 V/ns
and the low drive capability of ±8 mA, resulting in low current spikes during switching. Though the speed of AHC/AHCT has
been increased, the slew rate of AHC/AHCT is even lower than HCMOS. The ground bounce of AHC devices attributed to
simultaneous switching is better than that of the standard HCMOS family
This is why I'm a big fan of these devices, especially when working with breadboards or PC boards without dedicated ground planes.
I will try the experiment again a bit later tonight replacing the gate with a 74AHC to see if the behavior is substantially different. I may also try cranking up the switching frequency to 20 MHz as well.