Dr Jefyll wrote:
BigEd wrote:
some multimeters have a frequency counting mode - all else being equal, get one of those, and you can see the frequency of signals such as Sync, RnW, chip selects, interrupts and so on. That can tell you a lot.
I'm not sure I agree about the value of frequency counting mode, as I suspect there's a threat of its results being misinterpreted. Its intended function is to determine the frequency of a periodic signal. But I suppose it
could be used to determine the mere presence or absence of any sort of pulse train (periodic or otherwise) -- is that what you meant?
Yes, I'm thinking that if you had no other source of information, the pulses-per-second on your ROM's chip select, or your IRQ input, or perhaps on A8, will tell you something about where code is executing, whether interrupts are occurring as you expect, or what stack activity is going on - all depending of course on how carefully you've constructed your test code.