floobydust wrote:
Also, it appears that he's not selecting the 74HC138 properly. Looking at the datasheets for the 138 and 688 chips, the $FE page select from the 688 chip goes low when active. He has that to an active high input on the 138, so the I/O selects are active for everything but what he wants.
Good spot, floobydust! I haven't looked at the schematic, but what you're saying is consistent with Mercury1964's comment that everything worked until he installed the VIA. I think you've identified the problem!
BigEd wrote:
some multimeters have a frequency counting mode - all else being equal, get one of those, and you can see the frequency of signals such as Sync, RnW, chip selects, interrupts and so on. That can tell you a lot.
I'm not sure I agree about the value of frequency counting mode, as I suspect there's a threat of its results being misinterpreted. Its intended function is to determine the frequency of a periodic signal. But I suppose it
could be used to determine the mere presence or absence of any sort of pulse train (periodic or otherwise) -- is that what you meant?
FWIW, my preference in multimeters is to AVOID the digital types. I'd much rather use an old-style analog meter with an actual needle.
(I wish I knew where a person can buy an analog multimeter nowadays! I mean something good or at least mediocre; all the analog meters I've seen for sale recently are rock-bottom price/quality.)
-- Jeff
In 1988 my 65C02 got six new registers and 44 new full-speed instructions!
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