It's rather that I observe the same as jac.
PHI2:0, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:0, VPB:0, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:0, VPB:0, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:1, VDA:1, VPB:1, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:0, VPB:1, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:1, VPB:1, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:1, VPB:1, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:1, VPB:1, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
VPA:0, VDA:1, VPB:0, R/W:1
PHI2:1, IML:0, RES:1
Reset is de-asserted with PHI2 = Low (w creates a short positive pulse on PHI2). You see the result "PHI2:0, IML:0, RES:1" of the ? command. The I toogle PHI2 (p command) and display that signals and the processor status with PHI2=high. Then I continuously toggle PHI2 twice (first p produces a high to low transition and the second p a low to high transition) and display always the signals and the processor status (VDA, VPA and VPB). And surprisingly it is the 7th cycle after the cycle that detects that reset was released which requests the vector (VPB low). And if I consult an old Synertek datasheet it says
After a system initialization time of six clock cycles, the mask interrupt flag will be set and the microprocessor will load the program counter from memory locations FFFC and FFFD.
So exactly what the output of jac Parallax and my IML logic says. So I'd say it is six cycles after the CPU detects reset is de-asserted before he fetches the program counter from reset vector locations.