max1227 wrote:
I don't have any spare parts, unfortunately if I did I would have already replaced the CPU and video ram and roms (according to another forum).
I had a look at that repair guide and too be honest it doesn't make much sense to me. All it seems to tell me is that most of the chips in the PET and disk drive are faulty which Im sure isn't the case since sometimes it does pass the selftest on startup.
Do you know anyway that I can test the CRT? As I said one time I got it to display a green line so not sure if that means anything?
ICs and CRTs don't go bad just from age and sitting dormant for decades. Capacitors do though. I expect that a CRT, like most any tube, has a couple of failure modes, one being that over thousands of hours of use, the cathode's emissivity slowly degrades (which would just make the beam gradually dimmer), and the other is a short from cathode to heater, from the insulation breaking down. The latter is more spontaneous, but it would happen with use, probably not storage. ICs can get damaged with static or exceeding the other things in the "absolute maximum ratings." I've heard of crystals frequently being damaged by video gamers slapping the side of the computer hard in their excitement (or possibly frustration).