I downloaded the latest Klaus functional test from Github this evening. I want to test my newly designed CRC65 which has a W65C02 and 58K of RAM. The top 6K are I/O and ROM. So I modified the 6502_functional_test.a65:
ROM_vectors = 0 (ROM vector is not writable)
report = 1 (include report.i65)I also edited report.i65 for my hardware specific I/O.
assembled it:
as65 -l -s2 -x 6502_functional_test.a65It generates the .hex file and I load and run it on CRC65 and get this result:
Started testing
All tests completed, press R to repeat
Started testing
All tests completed, press R to repeat
Started testing
All tests completed, press R to repeat
So that's all good. Now I did the same with 65C02_extended_opcodes_test.a65c
ROM_vectors = 0
report = 1 assembled it:
as65 -l -s2 -x 65c02_extended_opcodes_test.a65cBut received this error messages:
File 65c02_extended_opcodes_test.a65c, Line 2694 : Undefined label brk_ret0
File 65c02_extended_opcodes_test.a65c, Line 2728 : Undefined label brk_ret1I don't understand why the error messages because I can see the label brk_ret0 and brk_ret1 in the source. I use the as65 included in the GIT download. Help!