Hi guys
It’s been noticed that, although I’ve been hanging around here lately, I haven’t actually posted in this thread and so introduced myself. So… here goes.
My first introduction to the 6502 was at school (in the UK) with BBC Micro model Bs back in the '80s. I learned to program Basic and eventually assembly language on these and I loved the machines so much that I ended up swapping my then newish Atari ST 520FM for an old BBC Model B+ 64K. My parents were not amused, but oddly didn’t say so until 20+ years later and by that time had forgiven me
. They said that they eventually saw that I got far more out of my Beeb in interest and education, etc. than I ever got out of the Atari (and I’m not saying that the Atari ST was bad – just not as good as the BBCMicro
I eventually moved on to the Commodore Amiga 500 for which I have a fond memories and then eventually on to PCs.
My career has never involved electronics, mostly being based in CAD (anyone remember AutoCAD 10?
), running ATEs (6 years of wasted life!
) and eventually PC and Server tech support (have you turned it off and back on again to AD authorative restores).
However, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at digital electronics and, thanks to the good folks on forums such as these, have realised that finally – which I never thought I would.
I’m now working on my second 6502 build and still learning more and more every day – even if at a hobbyist level. I’m hoping to diverge slightly to the Z80 (yeah ,yeah, I know
) and the a (1MHz!) 6809 that I’ve recently ordered - but only briefly as I’ve still got some 65C816 chips which I need to learn to use
I'm also planning to use the, albiet limited, skills that I've picked up to help with my other hobby of collecting and restoring old 8 and 16 bit retro computers.
Anyhoo, now that half the audience have lapsed in to boredom-induced comas, I’ll sign off