It's around 4 cycles per instruction, although it depends on what you're doing. A lot of indexing and indirects will increase the average. If you don't need those, and you can get away with a lot of ZP accesses, the average will be less than 4. So at 2MHz, that's 500,000 instructions per second. All 65c02's being made today are rated for at least 14MHz, which would be 3,500,000 IPS; but the off-the-shelf ones generally top out at about 25MHz if the supporting hardware is suited for it, which would be 6,250,000 IPS. The fastest ones are running over 200MHz, or about 50,000,000 IPS (50MIPS).
I've brought a lot of products to market with PIC16 microcontrollers, and when I was learning the PIC16, I took a lot of pieces of PIC16 code from Microchip's seminars and applications books and re-wrote them in 65c02 for learning, I found that the PIC16 generally took about twice and many instructions and twice as many clocks to do a given job.
Make sure you compare the interrupt performance too. From the time the 6502 receives an interrupt signal, through the average time it takes to finish the already-started instruction, run the interrupt sequence, and start on the first instruction of the ISR (interrupt-service routine), the 6502 takes about 10 cycles, or 10 microseconds at 1MHz. For extremely simple ISRs (like to just increment a byte in RAM each time an interrupt is received), it is not unrealistic for a 20MHz 6502 to handle a million interrupts per second.
_________________ lots of 6502 resources The "second front page" is . What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?