Ok, so for the moment, I am hanging out in the ##6502 freenode irc channel.
The simplest way to try it out is to hit the link above,
http://webchat.freenode.netType in a nick name, and fill out the Captcha (the funny looking words).
This will dump you in to a page with a zillion lines of info about freenode etc.
At the bottom of the page, there is a single line input box.
/join ##6502
This will open a new "tab" in that window (there's a little tab at the top), which will place you in the 6502 chat room.
From there, just chat away using the line interface.
IRC has lots of commands and other things, but none of those are important in this case. You can learn them later as they become necessary. But for just general chatting, you don't need to know much.
I will be in the chat room, typically 9-5 PST if you want to come say Hi.
Try this out for a little bit, see if anything sticks.