I took the parts list and went to Mouser and composed a spreadsheet of parts, the cost, and the total. Here's the CSV below. Most of the parts I was certain I located the right one, I'm unsure if I located the correct TTL oscillator.
Title,Cat. No.,Quantity,Price Each,Total Price,Cat. URL,Notes
pin header strip,517-929647-01-36-EU,1,$2.31,$2.31,,4 1x3 + 3 1x2 pin headers
2x3 headers,855-M22-2020705,2,$1.02,$2.04,,J1 ROM OPTS & OPT2
2x5 pin header,649-77313-122-10LF,2,$0.59,$1.18,,JP1 & OPT1
2x7 pin header,649-77313-101-14LF,4,$0.53,$2.12,,P-1 to P-4
2x25 pin header - Expansion Port,517-929665-01-25-I,1,$3.50,$3.50,,J12 Expansion Port
.1uF,810-FK18X7R1H104K,10,$0.16,$1.60,,"c8-11, c13-c16. Using an ST 232 requires four more of these."
4.7uF,647-USP1C4R7MDD,2,$0.30,$0.60,,"c2, c3. Using an ST 232 eliminates the need for two of these."
10uF,871-B41002A4106M000,5,$0.10,$0.50,,"C1, c4, c5, c6, c12. Using an ST 232 eliminates the need for two of these."
1.0 MHz TTL Osc,520-TCF100-X,1,$1.87,$1.87,,Note sure if this is correct
http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/ECS ... Vqc79V8%3d1.8432MHz crystal,520-HCA184-13X,1,$1.38,$1.38,,
3.3k Ohm (3 res SIP with common),652-4604X-1LF-3.3K,1,$0.25,$0.25,,
3.3k Ohm (5 res SIP with common),71-CSC06A01-3.3K,1,$0.56,$0.56,,
28256 EEPROM,556-AT28C25615PU,1,$8.56,$8.56,,IC2
62256 Static RAM,913-AS6C62256-55PCN,1,$1.79,$1.79,,IC3
MAX232 or equivelant (e.g. ST232),700-MAX232CPE,1,$3.53,$3.53,,IC8
65C22,955-W65C22N6TPG-14,2,$6.95,$13.90,,IC9 and IC10
DS1813 or equivelant,700-DS1813-10+,1,$1.26,$1.26,,IC11
Switching Diode or strap,512-1N4148TA,3,$0.10,$0.30,,"D1, D2, D3"
POWER IN (user preference for part),,1,,$0.00,,
RESET switch inputs,506-MSPS103C0,1,$2.18,$2.18,,