BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
I look at this sort of thing as a time tradeoff situation. Is the time spent on getting the PIC to generate the desired frequencies less valuable than the time required to squeeze an extra can oscillator onto the PCB?
Good point, but, time spent was a fun learning exercise for me.
Aside from the mechanics of the situation, can you live with the limited baud rate clock (BRC) frequency? I know I couldn't. I'm currently running both serial ports on POC V1.1 at 115.2Kbps, and have tested channel B at 230.4Kbps. These speeds are achievable only by driving the clock input to the DUART at 3.6864 MHz.
I think 9600 baud or 19200 baud will work fine for the one or two projects I have in mind. While digging around through my old inventory I found an old 200-nsec Xicor 32Kx8 EEPROM, a 68A50 ACIA chip, an Apple NMOS 6502, and a couple 15-nsec 32Kx8 SRAM chips so I thought it might be fun to make a copy of Grant's recent "minimal" BASIC computer design.
For developmental purposes, being able to fiddle with the Ø2 clock rate via software is interesting and useful—if done right, you presumably wouldn't have to reboot the machine just to change Ø2. So in this respect, using the PIC as the Ø2 generator seems logical. Being able to do the same with the BRC doesn't seem to be all that useful. There's usually no compelling reason to run a non-standard BRC, since TIA-232 devices operate with fairly strict timing deadlines. I do know that deviating significantly from the 3.6864 MHz clock will cause the 26C92 to misbehave, as its state machines are slaved to that clock.
This tiny 12F1501 based sub-system isn't for everyone. Admittedly, the main design goals are cost and squeezing as many features as possible into a relatively small amount of board space.
I built both POC versions with a separate can oscillator for each function. The BRC is fixed, so that oscillator can be soldered directly to the PCB. I did socket the Ø2 oscillator, though, so I could try different frequencies while "shaking down" the unit. It's currently 20 MHz (driving a flop), and I haven't changed it in over a year.
That's pretty neat. I've enjoyed studying your POC design.
Speaking of POC V1, UARTs and such, I'm considering doing one more design iteration to V1 before I put in on the shelf, and that is to use an NXP 28C94 QUART in place of the 26C92 DUART in the current unit. The 28C94 is functionally two 26C92s in one PLCC-52 package and will give me four high speed TIA-232 channels, three of which will be available for external communications purposes.
Cool! I'm sure I'm not the only here who would love to see the next incremental POC design.
Cheerful regards, Mike