I have been enjoying reading olduse.net - a USENET feed that is delayed 30 years. Some of my favorite posts are excited rants about "up and coming" products that turned out to be massive flops. A few weeks back there was much excitement about the IBM "peanut" (which turned out to be the PCjr). Another guy proudly proclaimed that the Apple ][ was dead and an Atari 16-bitter was going to take over (never heard of that particular model - perhaps a predecessor to the 1040ST?).
Here is one relevant to this group:
Subject: Comedore's New Machine ?
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Date: Tue, 4-Oct-83 11:55:06 EDT (30 years, 7 weeks, 10 hours ago)
Organization: MITRE Corp., Bedford MA
I am extremely interested in the rumors that Comedore is going to come
out with a home computer based on the Z8000 chip and will come with 512K and
UN*X. There seems to be more in this than just gossip, as Comedore had
contacted both Zilog and Bell.
Is this to ever be or have the plans been shot down in flames ?
Keith Fung
Bedford, Mass
There are also some crazy C-64 questions