On the '51, RTS is an output, so don't ground it.
Thanks, I hope that didn’t damage it?
For hardware handshaking, you'll want at least RTS and CTS, and your MAX232 (it seems like you said elsewhere that you were using the MAX232-- or was that someone else?) has enough channels to do TD, RD, RTS, and CTS, which is usually enough. The only handshaking I've used is hardware. I've never used software handshaking myself.
No, that’s me, but I only wired TxD and RxD. Now I switched to a USB to UART bridge, so I don’t need the MAX232 anymore. However, I’ll connect RTS and CTS for future use.
I don’t know very much about RS232 in detail, but am I correct that, with current setup with EhBASIC, I don’t use any flow control at all. And that’s why I have lost characters without delaying the stream I paste in hyperterm?
And by software flow control you mean the XON/XOFF setting and by hardware flow control you mean RTS/CTS control?
Do you have any code examples which use RTS/CTS control?