enso wrote:
I do indeed want pointers. It appears that EhBASIC actually uses page 2, so I didn't bother messing with it. Thank you!
I cut this from the v2.22 source:
ccflag = $0200 ; BASIC CTRL-C flag, 00 = enabled, 01 = dis
ccbyte = ccflag+1 ; BASIC CTRL-C byte
ccnull = ccbyte+1 ; BASIC CTRL-C byte timeout
VEC_CC = ccnull+1 ; ctrl c check vector
VEC_IN = VEC_CC+2 ; input vector
VEC_OUT = VEC_IN+2 ; output vector
VEC_LD = VEC_OUT+2 ; load vector
VEC_SV = VEC_LD+2 ; save vector
; Ibuffs can now be anywhere in RAM, ensure that the max length is < $80
Ibuffs = VEC_SV+2 ; ***changed for SBC-2
; start of input buffer after IRQ/NMI code
Ibuffe = Ibuffs+$47; end of input buffer
Ram_base = $0400 ; start of user RAM (set as needed, should be page aligned)
Ram_top = $8000 ; end of user RAM+1 (set as needed, should be page aligned)
; This start can be changed to suit your system
*= $BC00
; BASIC cold start entry point
On my system, $02xx was the EhBASIC buffer, $03xx was the SBC2OS buffer, and $04xx was the start of user RAM.
Change ccflag to $0300
Make sure Ram_base is set to $0400,or $0500 if you want/need some extra buffer space at $04xx.
Make sure Ram_top is correct for your sytem
This will free up Page 2.
Hope that helps!
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