6502 Primer: Build Your Own 6502 Computer
http://wilsonminesco.com/6502primer/index.htmlThe URL above is the index page to the set of web pages covering the whole range of building aspects and a little beginning programming. The last page,
circuit potpourri starts with a whole-computer schematic for a very basic 6502 computer similar to this one I designed for a product in 1993 which we sold for about 14 years for a high-end intercom for private aircraft:
(The ROM is on the back.) You will need a programmer of some sort, but it's easier to make one for EEPROM than for EPROM if you don't want to buy one. My first one was home-made.
Although the 6502 is so old (as you put it), it is probably better supported than any other processor available today, and is still being made-- in
huge volumes (hundreds of millions of units per year, although they're rather invisible, being at the heart of custom control ICs and not in desktop computers).