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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:56 am 
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Nowadays I just the 'wor' signal type. It implements a wired OR, and then you can just drive the signal with multiple modules. I design every module so that it outputs a '0' when not selected. Usually, this can be done with a minimum of resources. For instance, the block RAMs already have a dedicated signal to reset the output, and flip flops have reset inputs as well. Even 4-input LUTs that implement a full adder can use a spare input on the LUT to produce a zero output. The tools will automatically infer a wide OR gate to combine the signals, which is cheaper than a general MUX, because it doesn't require any select signals. So a 6-input LUT can be a 6-input OR, rather than a 4-1 MUX.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:26 pm 
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Good point.

Michael A.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:04 pm 

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Michael, thanks for your input. Currently I'm going with what I know has worked in my past projects.

So, I'm at the point where everything passes synthesis, although the SRAM interface module is not complete. It's not passing implementation with a vague 'null BMM file' error. ISE seems to be looking for a BMM file although I have INIT_FILE ("boot.coe") in the ROM1 module.

I have only used COE files in the past, but that was after generating the ROM with the lightbulb CoreGenerator tool. Now I am strictly using Verilog and instantiating a BRAM using RAMB16BWER. Is there any way to change a setting so ISE looks for a COE file for the initialization?


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:33 pm 

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I think I figured it out. I had to use CoreGen to generate the 1Kx16 Stack and ZP Rams and the 4Kx16 ROM. Then I used the same names (ZPRAM, STRAM, SYSROM) used in CoreGen and assigned the pins in the Verilog top level.
   ZPRAM XLXI_7 (.clka(clk),
   STRAM XLXI_8 (.clka(clk),
   SYSROM XLXI_9 (.clka(clk),

ISE automatically linked to the .XCO files inside the project.

Now the framework is there for a complete system with all modules present and passing synthesis and implementation (for the most part).
Now it's time to work on the SRAMif, the interface module for the SyncRAM. At the completion of this module, hopefully I will have something running!

EDIT: I forgot about the address decoding. Is it as simple as something like?
always @*
     if ( cpuAB >= 32'h8000_000 & cpuAB <= 32'h801f_ffff )
          SRCS <= 1;
                else SRCS <=0;


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:02 pm 
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You should be able to infer the Spartan 6 block RAMs in either single or dual port configurations. The following code snippet (taken from M65C02_Core.v)shows how to use the initial statement to initialize the block RAM (whether inferred as a ROM or a RAM) without have to rely on CoreGen.

//  Infer Microprogram ROM and initialize with file created by MCP_Tool
    $readmemb(pM65C02_uPgm, uP_ROM, 0, (pROM_Depth - 1));

always @(posedge Clk)
    if(MPC_En | Rst)
        uPL <= #1 uP_ROM[MA];

The system function $readmemb() or $readmemh() can be used. I built a "DOS" utility program found here on GitHub to take the binary output of the Kingswood A65 assembler and output an ASCII hex file that is padded out to a power of two size.

With this approach, I've embedded copyright notices and other initialization data in FIFOs and other memories in FPGAs that I ship.

Michael A.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:48 am 

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Thanks for the pointer. Trying to find info about readmem led me to the Xilinx XST manual. I've never read this manual before.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:39 pm 

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MichaelM wrote:
...An alternative is to define a single bus. Let's name it something like EEyE has named the output of the OR gate, CPU_DI. At each memory, I would connect its output data to CPU_DI using a tri-state construction:
localparam pDataWidth = 32;

wire    [9:0] Addrs;
wire    CPU_WE, CPU_RE;
wire    [(pDataWidth - 1):0] CPU_DI, CPU_DO;

reg     CS_RAM_A, CS_RAM_B, CS_RAM_C;

wire    WE_RAM_A, OE_RAM_A;
wire    WE_RAM_B, OE_RAM_B;
wire    WE_RAM_C, OE_RAM_C;

reg     [(pDataWidth - 1):0] RAM_A [0:255];
reg     [(pDataWidth - 1):0] RAM_B [0:255];
reg     [(pDataWidth - 1):0] RAM_C [0:511];

reg     [(pDataWidth - 1):0] RAM_A_DO, RAM_B_DO, RAM_C_DO;

always @(*)
            2'b00 : {CS_RAM_A, CS_RAM_B, CS_RAM_C} <= {1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0};
            2'b01 : {CS_RAM_A, CS_RAM_B, CS_RAM_C} <= {1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0};
            2'b1x : {CS_RAM_A, CS_RAM_B, CS_RAM_C} <= {1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1};

assign WE_RAM_A = CS_RAM_A & CPU_WE;
assign WE_RAM_B = CS_RAM_B & CPU_WE;
assign WE_RAM_C = CS_RAM_C & CPU_WE;

assign OE_RAM_A = CS_RAM_A & CPU_RE;
assign OE_RAM_B = CS_RAM_B & CPU_RE;
assign OE_RAM_C = CS_RAM_C & CPU_RE;

always @(posedge Clk)
         RAM_A[Addrs] <= CPU_DI;
     RAM_A_DO <= #1 RAM_A[Addrs];

assign CPU_DI = ((OE_RAM_A) ? RAM_A_DO : {pDataWidth{1'bZ}});

always @(posedge Clk)
         RAM_B[Addrs] <= CPU_DI;
     RAM_B_DO <= #1 RAM_B[Addrs];

assign CPU_DI = ((OE_RAM_B) ? RAM_B_DO : {pDataWidth{1'bZ}});

always @(posedge Clk)
         RAM_C[Addrs] <= CPU_DI;
     RAM_C_DO <= #1 RAM_C[Addrs];

assign CPU_DI = ((OE_RAM_C) ? RAM_C_DO : {pDataWidth{1'bZ}});

In this example, the OR gate is implicitly created by the synthesizer.

This approach may or may not help, but it is the technique that I use when I want to connect a varying number of modules/components together. The approach is (1) automatically transformed into cascaded AND-OR gates as discussed above, (2) automatically accounts for all of connections, and (3) keeps me from having to define the multiplexer and/or the variable width OR manually.

I was looking over your code from a couple posts ago and I noticed you had 3 instances where you had
assign CPU_DI = ...
. How is there not a conflict? and Would the circuit behavior change if you had put all 3 of the 'assign CPU_DI = ...' at the very end of the code?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:01 pm 
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There's no conflict, because the CPU_DI drivers are all 3-state. That's what the conditional assignment with 1'bZ is for: it drives 'Z' on the bus when the OE signal is not asserted. So only one driver (assuming no mistakes) drives the bus, and the others are all 'Z', so they don't conflict.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:23 pm 

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But the tools will not make an internal tri-state data bus will they? Maybe an older version of ISE will do this?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:33 pm 
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It depends on the device. If the device has internal buses, the tools can use them. The Spartan 3 and 6 don't have these buses, so the tools (even older versions) will convert the logic to a suitable mux.

That's why I suggested using a wired OR instead. A wide OR uses less resources (and is faster) than a MUX. Depending on the situation, you may have to use some extra logic to produce a '0' when the device is not selected, but very often this logic is free.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:14 am 
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I've not yet attempted to use Arlet's recommendation: use signal whose type is declared as wor. In the past, my concern over making the RTL work led me to not use wor, wand, and several other signal types not generally associated with synthesizable code. Habits develop, but synthesizers evolve. I just never went back and tried some of these other signal types to see if the synthesizer accepted them.

The code example I provided will be automatically reduced to the multiple input multiplexer that you drew in your block diagram. I was attempting to demonstrate for you a technique that I use to avoid having to manually construct the multiplexer. If an unknown or variable number of signals connect to the "bus", then the explicit multiplexer has to be manually adjusted whenever you add data sources to the bus and/or when you subtract them from the bus.

My suggested approach relieves you from keeping track of this. Arlet's suggested mechanism does the same thing, The point of using these approaches is to let the tool automatically construct the multiplexer.

Michael A.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:11 am 

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MichaelM wrote:
...My suggested approach relieves you from keeping track of this. Arlet's suggested mechanism does the same thing, The point of using these approaches is to let the tool automatically construct the multiplexer.

With my one-liner
assign cpuDI = ( ram1DO | ram2DO | rom1DO | SRDO );
it doesn't seem so difficult to keep track of the output buses, unless my concept won't work. It is a work in progress still, so I don't know yet.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:06 pm 

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After reading up on the XST manual about how to implement blockRAMs, I came up with the following for the zeropage RAM (stack RAM is similar)
module ZPRAM ( input clk,
               input we,
               input rst,
               input [9:0] addr,
               input [15:0] din,
               output reg [15:0] dout
reg [15:0] RAM [1023:0];

always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (we)
      RAM[addr] <= din;
   if (rst)
      dout <= 0;
      dout <= RAM[addr];


For the sysROM:
module SYSROM ( input clk,
                input rst,
                input [11:0] addr,
                output reg [15:0] dout
reg [15:0] RAM [4095:0];


always @(posedge clk)
   if (rst)
      dout <= 0;
      dout <= RAM[addr];

It all passes synthesis. The .coe generator that Arlet custom made generates hex values with commas. I just had to replace those commas with spaces. Arlet, any chances of a mod to your program generate the hex file without commas and comment out the radix and vector init's?


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:26 pm 
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Can you give an example of an output file ?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:38 pm 

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Yes, thanks for your attention!

I'm guessing XST is ignoring spaces and carriage returns.


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