Even if slow, this should fill a long-time need for a 6502-based microcontroller where the user's code is onboard. (WDC's 65134 and 65265 microcontrollers are really neat, but onboard ROM is mask-programmed, making them unsuitable for hobbyists. You can have external memory on them only by forfeiting a lot of the I/O pins.) Your onboard A/D converters are definitely a plus! A few questions I was not able to answer from what is written so far are:
- Are all the AVR's I/O features available to the emulated 6502?
- Are interrupts supported by the emulated 6502, including for the 4 timer/counters?
- Does the user's 6502 code get stored in non-volatile memory so it doesn't have to be loaded at every power-up?
- Is RS-232 the only thing so far that requires the oscillator to be crystal-accurate? I'm wondering if some non-speed-critical applications can get by on an RC oscillator.
- What price do you think you'll be putting on it?
Thanks. I expect there will be more interest when it appears finished and it's in the webshop and it's clear that development of user applications is easy. I know one thing I myself should eventually look into is videos, since it's too easy for a great thing to go nowhere while those who might have been interested unintentionally shun it because it appears too mysterious.
1- Most IO features are supported. It would be easy to add one if there's one I missed.
2- Interrupts are not fully supported but could be added. I am using timer 1 to provide a 1ms interrupt (IRQ). Other sources could be added. Again, this might drop the performance significantly. If there is enough interest, I will pursue testing it.
3- I have increased the emulated ROM to 48k and the user can load their own bootable code into that area. The 15.75K of RAM does not get pre-loaded or saved. This feature could be added if it is needed.
4- While the AVR can run on an internal oscillator, the max is 8MHz. This would equate to a 250kHz emulated CPU, which is too slow. I do not recommend any system clock below 20MHz. If a speed other than 24MHz is used, the firmware will need adjusting for the RS-232 to work. The 1ms timer is the only other feature that is clock-dependent.
5- I have provided the source and binaries on my website. Th user can program their own if they desire. I will program anyone's device(s) at no cost as long as they cover the postage. My cost for a pre-programmed AVR will be based on the current digikey prices, plus the CA sales tax and shipping - I won't add a mark-up, just want my own expenses covered.
Ask any more questions if you have them!
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