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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:12 am 

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George looks abit remorseful?:
http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... -for-405b/


Last edited by ElEctric_EyE on Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:21 am 
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Never expected to see another Star Wars movie again!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:45 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:37 pm
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That franchise is dead to me. The prequels utterly destroyed it and are unwatchable (which is a shame, because they're just beautiful). Disney will be of no help whatsoever, they'll keep it firmly parked and oriented to towards 12 year olds. So, no, they won't get another dime from me.

Han shot first.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:06 am 

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whartung wrote:
...The prequels utterly destroyed it and are unwatchable (which is a shame, because they're just beautiful). Disney will be of no help whatsoever, they'll keep it firmly parked and oriented to towards 12 year olds. So, no, they won't get another dime from me.

Han shot first.

I agree, that some parts of the prequels are hard to watch because George wanted to attract a larger audience by gearing parts of the movies towards a younger audience with things like Jar Jar Binks etc. But think of that fight scene with the Qai Gon and Obi Wan vs. Darth Maul. Badass!
I'm holding on to hope on this and choose to think of The Black Hole when I think of decent Sci-Fi made by Disney. We'll have to wait and see I guess.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:54 pm 

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whartung wrote:
That franchise is dead to me. The prequels utterly destroyed it and are unwatchable (which is a shame, because they're just beautiful). Disney will be of no help whatsoever, they'll keep it firmly parked and oriented to towards 12 year olds. So, no, they won't get another dime from me.

Han shot first.

I think the scope of the whole Stars Wars plot and movies were too big for one person to manage.

I don't buy the fact that he didn't want to make another Star Wars movie because some fan(s) hated him.

I don't buy the reason why he's selling because he could have put people around him except it is time for him to cash out and billions aren't enough for him. He needs Disney because he's getting old and they will find someone fresh with ideas. I guess he figures they are more capable hands with a big following that can make him even more money.

I think the movie is too inclusive for everyone; ideas that make the movie for some often puts off other people like me.

Expect Star Wars naseau because Disney now has to pay for this acquisition by offering you more and more Star Wars.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:57 pm 

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Some more interesting info for fans. They talk about potential actors for the roles. And even more interesting IMO, some potential directors like Stephen Spielberg, Peter Jackson, or Neill Blomkamp (‘District 9’).


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:51 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:37 pm
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Here's the thing.

Today if you think of "Star Wars" one of the first things that will pop in to you head is "Legos" and action figures. Lucas was quite brilliant is doing breakthrough work of merchandising "Star Wars", more so than Disney did. All of that merchandising, especially today, is focused on children.

There is a branch in to the Young Adult market with the large book series offerings (which I have not read, I'm sure there are some real gems in there, I imagine most of them are just drek).

"Star Wars" is not as much a Space Opera universe with a diverse plot line and rich history as it is a brand that is managed for the marketplace.

Peter Jackson's LOTR movies are, simply, amazing. I look forward to 'The Hobbit'. But what makes them amazing is the source material as much as the execution of putting them on screen. Jackson's attention to detail is part of what make those movies so good -- details he pulled from Tolkien's work.

You'll notice that Lucas' changes to the 'Star Wars' saga has never been about the storytelling itself, the characters, the plot. It's been about "the look". About the presentation. The 'Star Wars' movies are beautiful, all of them. They have a look about them, a scope that makes them really incredible.

I'm old enough today to see the flaws with the originals, despite the eye candy; revolutionary breakthrough eye candy. But there's heart in those movies, heart that doubling the number of X-Wings in the last battle can't cloud -- or can't fix as in the new movies.

In 'A New Hope', the attack on the Death Star(tm) was a last ditch effort, it was full force, and people died. People that you as a viewer may not of cared about, but people on the screen certainly did. Every loss brought the Death Star closer to Yavin. Dangerous work, and you were in the thick of it.

Luke loses his best friend, Biggs, in the trenches of the Death Star. An aspect of the battle that wasn't quite like "Beggars canyon back home."

Later on, in ESB, and Jedi, the battles were getting bigger, but more and more impersonal. Oh look, yet another rebel fighter is destroyed, another life gone, but, eh, no big deal. Faceless drone. Nobody cares. And, of course, the Empire is completely unsympathetic -- we care even less about them. They're clones for crying out loud.

In Jedi you had the Millennium Falcon, Wedge (following said Falcon), and Everyone Else. Nothing people dying in flames -- but, beyond an admirals sigh, nobody cared. Nobody mourned for them. They cared more for the Bothan spies.

In Episode 1, it opened with a bang. Two Jedi. Unleashed, powerful Jedi. Killers. Apparently thugs (sent to enforce contracts). Two lightsabers in a gas filled room. They dispatch the droids and carve a hole in a blast door, showing was a lightsaber is really capable of. But their enemies, even more faceless than clones. Droids. Masses of nothing, stupid, "it's OK to blows these guys up because they're robots and not 'people' and not offend the parents of our audience" droids. Like the GI Joe the TV cartoon, or A-Team (the TV show, not the movie -- the movie was great fun). Everything gets blown up, nobody dies.

All the heart is gone. All the enemies plastic or cardboard (whether flesh or not). Did anyone really care about all those Jedi being slaughtered in that field? No, not really. The characters didn't, the Director certainly didn't, why should the audience?

The audience doesn't care, and the movie doesn't encourage them to care, because the audience is 11 years old, and empathy really isn't their strong point at this age, much less really grokking the magnitude of what's actually happening.

Disney is not going to change this. Disney markets to 11 year olds very well. I don't see Spielberg doing "Saving Private Skywalker", or anything else for a mature audience.

And I'm not 11 years old any more, and my 11 year old memories of the original have been long stomped flat by the abominations of the new ones.

So, no, just more Theme Parks, lunch boxes, and action figures. Another franchise targeted at an ever replacing demographic called children, to milk until the teats are chapped and raw. Nothing to see here.

And anyone who hasn't seen the "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Review" on You Tube is missing out. Yes, its 70m long, but it's SO good.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:55 pm 

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whartung wrote:
....Disney is not going to change this. Disney markets to 11 year olds very well. I don't see Spielberg doing "Saving Private Skywalker", or anything else for a mature audience.

And I'm not 11 years old any more, and my 11 year old memories of the original have been long stomped flat by the abominations of the new ones.

So, I gather you're not a fan anymore. Maybe you were when you had a Star Wars lunchbox?
I don't analyze movies and I rarely watch the crap the Hollywood deficates on the population. I don't have the time. But I make time for favorites and Star Wars is one of them. I am a person that has watched the original over 100 times, and has watched each of the other releases at least 10x each. I just enjoy the work that went into making them, especially since they are science fiction. District 9 being one of the best latest SF movies released, hence my mention of interest in the choice of future Directors. Movies nowadays serious lack a plot worthy of what one reads in a 200+ page book. You try doing that in 2 hours. I'll stop my ranting but I would die a very happy man if I could also see a continuation of movies around Frank Herbert's DUNE books, and also Fred Saberhagen's BERSERKER series. You talk death? Read the Berserker books. It would be similar to Terminator, but with more time involved and more space and travel across the universe.

EDIT: BTW I was 8 when I saw the original in the theather in 1977, so that's 100x over 35 years... :lol:


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:53 am 

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ChuckT wrote:
...I don't buy the fact that he didn't want to make another Star Wars movie because some fan(s) hated him.

I don't either, I've heard he finds it difficult to work with "stars", i.e. personalities that grew after all his hard work that went into the original. Most of the actors were like WTF is going on, and didn't understand until they themselves finally saw the movie...

ChuckT wrote:
...Expect Star Wars naseau...

This is a potential problem.
I think George Lucas gave up his little baby so it could be developed. And I think he is to be respected for waiting. I get the impression it's not about the money (I could be wrong, again we'll have to wait and see). I think it's about the talent he currently sees in the 'market', both actors and directors...


Last edited by ElEctric_EyE on Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:28 pm 

Joined: Wed May 20, 2009 1:06 pm
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ElEctric_EyE wrote:
ChuckT wrote:
...Expect Star Wars naseau...

This is a potential problem.
I think George Lucas gave up his little baby so it could be developed. And I think he is to be respected for waiting. I get the impression it's not about the money (I could be wrong, again we'll have to wait and see). I think it's about the talent he currently sees in the 'market', both actors and directors...

He is donating most of the money to education. All of the information I had yesterday was that he was donating it all to USC and then I learned today that he is donating $175 million there and focusing on education elsewhere. I think it is a good idea but I just hope it is money spent wisely because donations doesn't always mean that students are helped.

I know a college was given donations for a road but there were strings attached and the college spent a lot of their own money trying to make it happen because there are a lot of things that go along with it. If money is used for building empires instead of helping students, I don't know what good it does.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:07 am 

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Spielberg bow's out...


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 Post subject: SW: Episode VII
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:51 pm 

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Continued OT. : Some more clues to the upcoming episode which production will be started in the UK.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:04 am
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You can still always watch the original and (IMHO) best version: http://www.asciimation.co.nz

I never did finish that damn thing. When Ep1 came out I was one of the ones who lost interest in Star Wars somewhat. It would be cool to get it all to run on my Orwell machine but I only have a 37 character text width currently (and I need 67 chars across).

Perhaps I should look at Grant's 80 column display....

Last year, for my birthday, I rented out the local film theatre and played the original Star Wars for all my friends. I got hold of one of the remastered fan versions where they took all the best sources to cut into a version as close to the original (NO special edition rubbish) as possible. Seeing it again on a big screen was great!

I don't hold out much hope for the new, new films coming. A film like the original Star Wars just wouldn't sell these days (except to us old geeks).


My 6502 related blog: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/bb/category/6502-computer

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:36 pm 

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One must keep in mind J.J. Abrams is taking over for George Lucas. Who is JJ Abrams? He has done the newest releases of Star Trek.
2 movies so far and I like them alot! He makes the actors bring a seriousness to the screen... No kiddie stuff!

So for Abrams to work for Disney and create another sequel/prequel for Star Wars, I'm on the fence but I am more hopeful than if George was making a movie for one of his kids or something. (Nothing against George, he was a genius in 1977... (none of the actors/actresses knew what he was doing, LOL).

It's great he let go of his franchise in order to keep the Star Wars story alive! I'm sure he is a consultant tho!


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