I have been looking for some KIM-1 software (Microchess and ADE).
I have a source for Microchess, but not ADE yet. I am also looking
for KIM-1 BASIC (the one that loads at $2000). Possibly the
book "First Book of KIM".
My KIM-1 emulator is operational. It does keypad and TTY. I simulate
the system 6530 but I don't do the timer (yet). As a result, cassette
i/o won't work. But the KIM monitor can load and save programs
to the TTY device. If you are interested in a copy (NO SOURCE YET),
drop me a line at
fred_weigel@hotmail.com.. Requirements are:
Pentium 133 or better
16MB RAM minimum recommended
Linux 2.2.x
The KIM-1 monitor ROM runs without patching now.