alkopop79 wrote:
Needless to say, the idea of such kit brings many questions: PCB or WW? Display and keyboard or just serial port? I would be very much interested in your angle!
I think if you want success, you have to go with low cost and the social media which is the Raspberry Pi. In order for some students to learn, they have to learn at home and $300 eprom burners are out of the question. The second issue is that you don't have the social media presence to promote 8 bit computers anymore like Compute!, Compute's Gazette, Run, Ahoy, etc. There is also the attention span factor; you can't get easy to use video or sound chips for the 6502 to interest students.
I went to college and students who had no idea or exposure to computers chose computer classes expecting the teacher to them them and the instructor didn't. If you don't know how to cook, giving people a bunch of ingredients from a recipe isn't going to help. They have to be willing to buy books, magazines and spend some time programming which is what we called "cookbook".
I spent several years reading about Microcontrollers, breaking the piggy bank and I still don't have time or know how to program a single microcontroller but I'm going to give it a try soon. You have to be young, have a lot of time and have no commitments. You have to be willing to learn new languages like C or Linux to get ahead today.
I got a Commodore 64 for Christmas and I spent each day trying to learn a new command until I got bored. I then took Basic in high school and again in college because the college made me. I learned another language called Pascal and I think it is from being fluent that you start to understand some things but all that learning didn't translate into understanding electronics, processors or microcontrollers.
There are financial and social reasons to make it easier to learn and each platform has its advantages and disadvantages but the days of Jim Butterfield coming along and helping me learn Apatco's computer with magazine articles isn't going to happen because those days are long gone. Instead, I have to spend the day at the library trying to figure out what books I can get my hands on to borrow so I can learn. I hope they didn't throw those old books out to make room for fiction.
You basically need a lot of geeks to come alongside of you and I think that you would have more success with the Raspberry Pi on the programming side. If you want to learn through building then pick up Arduino or another microcontroller where there are more tutorials. I think people can learn a lot about xbees and servos.
If you want to make the 6502 survive, you have to have kits and a culture to promote it. License a language. License a bare bones kit. Post tutorials. Create an online magazine. Write and produce some youtube videos. If you don't, you will probably be the last generation to use the 6502. Cars have computers in them and I think some of them are ARM products and not 6502. You basically have to promote sales by giving the next generation a product so if you want to be important, put your name on some projects, copyright them and patent them. Write a few e-books and put your name on them.
I'm learning ARM and the Arm Cortext M0 and M4 so I just ordered more parts and I'm ready to learn. I would be willing to learn with anyone but I also chose this alternative route. I'm willing to teach my son's clases what I've done but unfortunately it probably won't be 6502 related because the material available isn't geared for that so I've chosen ARM. I can be a great teacher but someone has to teach me first.
In order to have sales, you have to have service. Where is the service to teach and promote the 6502? Does it exist to the level that kids are learning it? I would say more service exists on the level of the Raspberry Pi.