The setup was very precarious with a big fat cable fed to some tiny wirewrap wires which were soldered to the QFP on the Devboard, but I saw activity on HSYNC and the output of the red DAC. I gave up on blue and green outputs as the pins were too close together to solder more wires. VSYNC did not show anything, but I attributed that to an intermittent scope probe. I was doing this 'testing' while I was seeing the colorbar pattern on the USB capture on the monitors' HDMI input, which the CS4954 was outputting through S-video, so VSYNC
had to be present.
I wouldn't be so unscientific in this testing if I were thinking of keeping this IC for V1.2. I really need a 800x480 resolution to match the TFT I am using, for V1.2 of the Devboard. This way, the software I write will be transportable between the 2 video outputs. The TFT is an input device as well, with its touchscreen capability.