I am really amazed to see all the discussions about the 6502 microprocessor. I have been programming this micro for at least 20 years, and find it an easy mirco to program because its instruction set is so intuitive.
I have assembled a full blown system around the Synertek Systems SYM-1, including a full 64k bank of ROM/RAM, 71 lines of programmable I/O, floppy disk interface, modem communications, 2 9600 baud serial ports, a 2 pass assembler with full editor, BASIC, FORTH, a dissasembler, and various other items.
The sym had a large following including a news letter. All the documentation was placed in the public domain several years ago. I have most, if not all, of the published documentation on the SYM.
If anyone is intersted in any of these items I will be happy to forward them to you. Just e-mail me at
kd6mzu@attitude.com stating your request.
Right now I am working on a front end controller for the various lines of external PC radios using this system.