Generally all the LSI is static-sensitive, even those parts that don't have a "C" in the identifier. Your '138, if it's 74LS138, is not particularly static-sensitive, but everything else you mention is. These parts do have protection diodes built in, but they can only handle so much. If you're going to work with this stuff at all, you should:
A. have an antistatic mat like Jameco sells and connect it to the grounded chasis of a piece of equipment on your workbench,
B. have the tip of the soldering iron connected to the mat or something that dissipates static, and
C. touch something grounded to discharge the static in your body before you touch static-sensitive parts.
I've never used more than this (like the writst strap, antistatic lab coat, antistatic flooring, humidifier, air ionizer, finger cots, or anything like that), and I've never damaged these parts with static. I've seen plenty of other people damage them by being careless though.