As hinted to a few days ago, The latest update to the Kowalski Simulator is ready.
Here are the updates/fixes that I have completed for v1.3.5.0:
- Default assembler source files now have .asm extension. .65s is still supported.
- Added .bin file type for binary object files and made it default. .65b is still supported.
- .65p (program) object types are now functional for save and load. The file format is:
Start address low byte
Start address high byte
End address low byte
End address high byte
data ... ....
Start address low byte (optional additional blocks of data)
Start address high byte
End address low byte
End address high byte
data ... ....
Since start and end addresses are 16 bits, only bank 0 is supported.
- Confirmed 65.h Intel Hex file formats work for both save and load across multiple banks.
- default new source files are named "NewFile(n).asm, where (n) starts with number 1 and increments each time the program is run. The space was removed from the file name.
- Object files now take on name of the assembled program verses having the default "Binary Code" name. test1.asm saves as test1.bin, test1.65h, test1.65m, etc. If you do a load code file and then try to do save code, since it does not go through the assembler, it will have the default "BinaryCode" file name with the appropriate extension. The space was removed from that file name also.
- Find and Replace - add wild cards - these are Windows commdlg.dll functions and they do not support wild cards. Sorry.
- For 65816 assembly, entering JMP [$4567] will now assemble as a jump indirect long, just as JML ($4567) does. (This was actually fixed in a previous revision but I just noticed it)
- The 65C02 required the use of the DEA and INA mnemonic for accumulator mode. Now you can use INC or DEC alone and it will assemble with an accumulator operand. DEA and INA are still supported as well. Same for the 65816.
- I created the stand along html help files for those having issues with the CHM help file. I also created a user selection on the General tab of the Simulator options menu. You can choose which help to open when pressing Help-Contents on the menu bar.
Please note, the menu bar's context-selective help will only use the chm file so please do not remove it if you use the html files.
To use the new html files, place the html folder in the same folder as your program. I've added "6502.htm" to the program files which 6502.exe points to. It will redirect to the html folder.
- Speaking of the context-selective help, I fixed a few broken links and added few missing ones. Should be in good shape now.
- Finally, for BigDumbDinosaur (and others), I was able to modify the .paramtype macro function to accept numbered parameters. .strlen will also accept numbered parameters.
Note .def, .ref, and .passdef all require a globally-named variable as before.
There were a lot of changes and I tried to test many variations to ensure they worked as described. Please let me know if I broke something in the process. Enjoy!!!!