Hi, all! A few years ago, I picked up the Western Design Center W65C265 boards - the W65C265SBX and W65C265QBX. Unfortunately, once I had them in hand, it was apparent that WDC had hobbled these boards with slow clock speeds, inaccessible ports, and a labyrinthine internal ROM. It was a shame, because, despite its quirks, the W65C265 itself is quite capable. It is a 65C816 with
demultiplexed address lines, capable of good 65C816 performance at 8mhz.
Moreover, it has very handy peripherals built in - which can be harnessed if you figure out how to program the quirks away. For example, on an 8MHZ clock, it's internal UARTs can rev up to 0.5MHZ, without the annoyance of the hardware handshakes, and work-arounds, that come with the 65C51 - and none of the hardware bugs!
The documentation is very cryptic, so it took a lot of work to figure it out. Along with some help from David Gray of the WDC, who was kind enough to lend a hand, and his time, and help me understand this chip. Subsequently, I built my own board and had it made, which was my first (and only) PCB. It has every pin exposed for expansion, including its BBC Tube-like Parallel Interface Bus, which allows the user to connect peripherals like coprocessors. It has built-in message passing!
So, here is what I have, below. I hope you guys can provide some feedback, ideas, &c. And, yes, I know my PCB is less-than-optimized!