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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:40 am 
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Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:33 pm
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Some very good posts recently about DOS/65, CP/M (65) and Flex, so I thought I'd post something about another OS that rarely gets a mention - and that's the Acorn MOS (Machine Operating System) and how my version of it works in my Ruby boards.

MOS came with the BBC Micro (c1981) and is a slightly different thing and more of a "Modular OS" or at least extendable, than an integrated Disk, screen, IO, etc. handler, however while there is a CLI as such, it's not normally visible in the Beeb which like a lot of the "classic" 6502 systems, boots directly to BASIC (OS and BASIC in ROM). To run MOS commands in languages/applications that have their own command line, you'd typically prefixed them with a star (*) and commands can be shortened with a dot - hence the name of the website dedicated to the Beeb and other Acorn systems; Star Dot - after the shortest command *. which is short for *cat which is the 'catalog' or 'ls', 'dir', etc. command. https://stardot.org.uk/forums/

The OS defines an interface to the hardware, filing system, network, etc. via a set of JSR entry points at fixed locations. And Even though the OS itself doesn't directly support some hardware, e.g. a disk system, the vectors for filing system operations are defined and those calls passed onto ROMs to handle them when required.

Some OS calls take a single parameter in A - e.g. OSWRCH (write a character), or return a result in A - e.g. OSRDCH (read a character), some take a function code in A, then byte wide parameters in X and Y (OSBYTE), sometimes returning results in X and Y, and some take a function code in A with XY pointing to a block of RAM containing more word-wide parameters (OSWORD)

Trivial example: Print A to the screen:

    LDA    #'A'

Another example - part of my RubyOS is the 'getline' call which is a wrapper round the OS call OSWORD 0

; getline:
;       Handy short-cut to osWord 0 with fixed parameters for command
;       line entry in Ruby OS.

        ldx     #<_getlineData
        ldy     #>_getlineData
        lda     #0
        jmp     osWord

        .word   keyboardIn      ; Address of input buffer
        .byte   250             ; Max length
        .byte   32              ; Smallest value to accept
        .byte   126             ; largest...

So a pointer to the parameter block is passed in XY, the OSWORD code in A. The parameter block has the address of the input buffer, length, and the range of keys to accept.

When I ported EhBASIC, I used this, slightly modified for EhBASIC:

; call for BASIC input (main entry point)

        ldx     #<_getlineData
        ldy     #>_getlineData
        lda     #0
        jsr     osWord
        lda     Ibuffs
        cmp     #'*'
        bne     :+
        ldx     #<Ibuffs
        ldy     #>Ibuffs
        jsr     osCli
        bra     LAB_1357

:       dey                     ; -1,
        tya                     ; Length
        stz     Ibuffs,x        ; null terminate input
        ldx     #<Ibuffs        ; set X to buffer start-1 low byte
        ldy     #>Ibuffs          ; set Y to buffer start-1 high byte

        .word   Ibuffs          ; Address of input buffer
        .byte   Ibuffe-Ibuffs   ; Max length
        .byte   32              ; Smallest value to accept
        .byte   126             ; largest...

So almost trivially, I got nice command-line editing and history handling right inside EhBASIC and note the check for a line starting with a * so it can "shell-out" back to the RubyOS CLI, so typing e.g. *. to get a disk directory "just works", as well as OS debug commands to dump RAM and so on.

There are additional entry points for file operations - from "whole file at a time" commands (e.g. load an image from tape or ROM) to partial file commands (open, read bytes, write bytes, close sort of thing).

Almost all OS entry points jump via a vector in page 2, so it's possible for user programs to intercept just about anything to implement their own thing - like graphics extensions and so on. (All graphics and text screen manipulation is done via the VDU (print character) driver rather than dedicated "draw a line", etc. type of system calls). Interrupts are also vectored too, so user code, utilities and so on can hook into the interrupt systems if needed.

The BBC Micro has the facility for up to 16 "sideways" ROMs - these are 16KB images which all start at $8000 and go up to $BFFF. The OS starts at $C000 and the OS entry points/vectors are up in $FF8x upwards, just below the hardware vectors.

The OS manages the ROMs in a way normally transparent to user programs, even those currently running from a ROM in the same region - to do this you must use the OS calls, but that's no bad thing. ROMs are activated sequentially at power on time, given a chance to initialise, then a default "language" ROM (e.g. BASIC) is selected and executed. The OS remembers the ROM number of the "current filing system" and will activate that ROM when a filing system call is made. So typically, the OS keeps track of 2 ROMs - the current language (e.g. BASIC, BCPL, EhBASIC, COMAL, Forth, etc.) and the current filing system ROM which may be one of several different disk systems or network.

So out of the box, you get a tape filing system, a ROM filing system and BASIC to go with the OS. (Tape and ROM filing systems are part of the OS ROM).

Disk? That's another ROM in the $8000 through $BFFF range - same for Network (The Beeb has an optional network interface and network file servers were available). Because everything was open (or rather not closed) there were several disk filing systems that quickly evolved some with more facilities, faster/better controllers, double density, etc. than the default one and so on.

One thing to note about the filing systems - the OS doesn't specify the on-media format in any way - all you see in your user program (BASIC, ASM, Forth, whatever) is the file level interface.

Also worth noting is that the boffins in Acorn HQ defined a somewhat interesting file naming convention - it was 1981, Unix, DOS, etc. were well defined but they did something a little different - full filenames start with a colon (:) then the drive number then a dot, then it's directory dot filename (or directory dot directory dot and so on...) The top-level directory is dollar. Dots separate directories rather than say slashes. This means you can't have filename.b or filename.c and so on.

So... :0.$.hello maybe you're doing C development? Well, you create a directory called c then, :0.$.c.hello might be the file you want.

Utility ROMs quickly sprang up too - and the OS allowed for this - when you executed a star command, if it wasn't recognised it would be passed to the other ROMs. Same for un-recognised OSBYTE and OSWORD calls, so extending the OS was relatively trivial.

There are other facilities like managing interrupts, the parallel printer port, serial port, sound and so on. The keyboard scan is also handled by the OS rather than a dedicated encoder chip (as in e.g. the Apple II)

Another feature I've not seen elsewhere is BRK handling. BRK is used to signal an error code the message, so the code to handle OSBYTE #0 which is also accessed via the *FX 0 command:

; 000/00:
;       Identify OS version

        cpx     #00
        bne     osByte0a
        .byte   0,"Ruby 6502 2.0",0

        ldx     #$2

Languages can redirect the BRK vector to their own handler and BBC Basic does this so it can handle the error, print the message if required and continue inside BASIC.

Fast forward a few decades...

So after I'd written my own "WozMon" for my Ruby 6502 board, I decided I wanted to run a better BASIC than EhBASIC so I went down the "how hard can it be" route and wrote just enough to make BBC Basic work... Then I decided to go the whole hog. Ruby is quite different from a BBC Micro though in that it has a support co-processor which is an ATmega - initially intended to drive a composite video monitor, but I changed that to be a general purpose host processor responsible for booting the 6502, acting as a serial port and filing system/SD card driver. Also, there are no "sideways" ROMs to manage, so it's more monolithic than the original Acorn MOS.

Ruby is more like the original BBC Micro with a 2nd processor (it was designed to have a 2nd processor talking to the 'host' via a high speed 2Mhz interface) with the Ruby 65C02 being the 2nd processor and the ATmega being the host processor.

It was relatively easy to write little stubs of code to handle the 6502 side of the MOS interface and pass the data over to the ATmega. That way existing code for the BBC Micro "just works" - provided it uses the OS. I was able to run BBC Basic (all 4 versions), COMAL, BCPL and a few others. Some of the applications like spreadsheets and word processors evaded me because they do weird stuff outside the OS and expect a real BBC Micro. Assembling and patching the 65C02 version of EhBASIC was trivial - partly thanks to the work already done by floobydust. I also managed to get other MS Basics going - e.g. CBM BASIC 2.0 - Applesoft still eludes me, although I can run it, but I've not fully sorted out its zero page usage.

(Note - I'm running the Acorn ROMs un-changed, no patches, etc. in the Ruby6502 system)

So for the most part I have a 16Mhz 65C02 which I can run 6502 code and BBC Basic programs on.

On the VDU/Graphics side - Programs on the Beeb do screen stuff via the VDU driver, so to clear the screen; PRINT CHR$(12); but BASIC provides a 'CLS' commands for this. Similarly to draw a line - it's output the code for "plot", then the plot type (line, dot, etc.) then X and Y locations as signed 16-bit integers (so 6 bytes) and a line is drawn - and again BASIC has commands for this - an advantage of having 16KB for BASIC to fit into compared to other 8 or 12K BASICs in the 6502 world at the time. (And because there is no real serial comms involved on the Beeb it's all very fast - slightly slower over the 1152Kbaud line in Ruby)

My RubyOS doesn't do anything with these codes - it just passes them up the line to the ATmega - at that point, the ATmega "knows" if it's taking to a VT100/ANSI style terminal and if-so, it translates the codes into ANSI codes (mostly e.g. text cursor movement, etc.) or if it's talking to "RubyTerm" which is an terminal application I wrote that runs under Linux, it passes then up "as is" and RubyTerm deals with them, so can draw lines, circles, re-define font characters and so-on.

Back to the OS: RubyOS doesn't have a "language ROM" loaded at boot time, so it drops into the CLI. The CLI is a trivial application that I wrote into the OS - it formulates a call to "OSWORD 0" which is an OS call to read a line of text, then passes that line of text to OSCLI which is a call that executes a command line. the RubyOS version of OSWORD 0 does nice things like cursor movement for editing, character deletion, swapping, finding and history retention and recall.

There is no automatic "search the disk" for a command if you type a command not recognised by the OS ROM, however there is a *RUN command which is shortened to */ so */basic4 lets me load BBC BASIC4 into RAM at it's specified start address and then it's executed at it's specified run address - similarly, I start BCPL on my '816 board with */bcpl.

On the file storage side - the host processor maintains the actual filing system and it's a Posix like hierarchical filesystem with the usual open/read/write/close/seek interface. There is a shim-layer in the 6502 side that translates Acorn style filing system calls to this Posix like call. The one extra that the Acorn MOS (and some languages) expect is a few more words of file attributes - namely load address and execute address. These are 32-bit values. I've kept these in RubyOS. There are some other attributes for a whole disk - e.g. an action to do if you type Shift+Break on the keyboard - autorun a file called !Boot for example. I don't have this facility in RubyOS, but the ATmega does treat its on-board 4KB of NVRAM as a disk, so it could be implemented to run a script.

On the "run a script" front - there isn't a shell command language but you can switch input from the keyboard to a text file with the *EXEC command and capture output to the screen in a text file with the *SPOOL command.

So what do you get from the point of view of writing and running your own code?

Well, BASIC, COMAL, BCPL will work as they did on a Beeb - more or less. That gives you local development, but for anything else?

BBC Basic has a built-in assembler, but for my own thing I use cc65 (both assembler and C) on my Linux desktop and copy the code over. (The RubyTerm application supports a file-transfer mechanism to get data to/from the local SD card and filing system.

User programs would normally load in the 16K space starting at $8000, but they can load lower if required - all the way down to the value of "PAGE" which is controlled by the OS and is normally $0E00, so you effectively have RAM from $0E00 through $BFFF.

Zero page usage - $00 through $8F is free with the OS claiming $90 through $FF for its own use.

The stack is all available for user code, but calling the OS will use some space in it for return addresses and interrupts, but not data. (Generally language applications like BASIC, etc. are not expected to return to the OS, but utilities run from the OS are expected to behave and not trample over ZP $00 through $8F

  • Page 2 is used for the redirection vectors.
  • Page 3 is the keyboard input and editing buffer.
  • Pages 4,5,6 and 7 are reserved for your user application use. e.g. BBC Basic uses this area for high-speed 32-bit integer variables; @% through Z% and other data it wants at a fixed location.
  • Pages $8 through $D are used by the OS for various buffers leaving $0E00 upwards free.

User programs should use the OS call "PAGE" to find out where this actually starts though - in Ruby it's always $0E00 but in a BBC Micro it's variable as the disk and network filing systems need more buffer space.

The opposite is "HIMEM" which is usually $8000 in Ruby, but it's variable in a BBC Micro as the top of RAM is used for video memory.

I put together a little framework for cc65 to let me run C programs on it. It works well and I am able to run my nano-like editor on it - which compiles to just under the 16KB limit, leaving a lot of RAM for text to edit. the C startup code reads PAGE and HIMEM and uses these for the start of data and stack.

When I developed the ruby816 board I ported my RubyOS over to it - which ran very well, but I deliberately decided to restrict the executable '816 code to bank 0 to keep things easy - the only thing I run there is my BCPL OS which lives in the 16KB region from $8000 and executes the compiled bytecode which can live anywhere in RAM.

I ported it over to the 6502 side of the Cerberus2080 board too and it worked well there, so it ought to be easy to move to other systems - providing the memory map is suitable - I've looked at the Commander X16 system, but things are just in the wrong place - or just wrong enough that I don't want to spend the time and energy on it.

I've thought of writing a better "shell" in C for it - very possible, but again it's effort vs. what it would give me (on the 6502 side). The BCPL OS has it's own CLI/Shell which I'm slowly turning into something more Unix shell like, even if it's not really what I want to do - but it's hard to get away from 40+ years of Unix...

Anyway, there you are - thought I'd mention it as it seems vaguely topical right now!



Gordon Henderson.
See my Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: https://projects.drogon.net/ruby/

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:20 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:28 pm
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Great exposition and good to see your porting progress!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:03 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:29 pm
Posts: 14
A great read, both as a more in-depth intro to Acorn MOS and some details about Ruby.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:25 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:18 pm
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I know this is an old thread, but I've just started looking at building a 6502 based machine, there's a Facebook group setup to discuss the requirements including an OS. Be great to have your input :https://www.facebook.com/groups/344271907983219

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:32 pm 
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lperry65 wrote:
I know this is an old thread, but I've just started looking at building a 6502 based machine, there's a Facebook group setup to discuss the requirements including an OS. Be great to have your input :https://www.facebook.com/groups/344271907983219

Had quick look - you're basically re-inventing the Commander-X16 by the looks of it.


Gordon Henderson.
See my Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: https://projects.drogon.net/ruby/

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Posts: 5
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for the reply. I'm not trying to copy the CX16, I've no interest in it being Commodore compatible or being capable of using Commodore peripherals. If anything, the Agon light is more like what I have in mind but with a 6502 based CPU and no ESP32 etc.
Thanks for the link, I’ll take a look.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:03 pm 
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lperry65 wrote:
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for the reply. I'm not trying to copy the CX16, I've no interest in it being Commodore compatible or being capable of using Commodore peripherals. If anything, the Agon light is more like what I have in mind but with a 6502 based CPU and no ESP32 etc.
Thanks for the link, I’ll take a look.

Belated welcome to 6502-land.

Have you looked at the project pages here?  There is a plethora of 6502 designs of varying capabilities.  When you decide to design and build something, I recommend you go with the 65C02, not the NMOS MPU.  The C02 fixes design errata in the 6502 and adds new instructions and new addressing modes for existing instructions.  The C02 also remedies some annoying bus behavior that was present with the 6502, and is capable of running much faster than the latter.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

Last edited by BigDumbDinosaur on Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:31 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Posts: 5
Thanks, I'll take a look.

I've been looking at the W65C816S6PL–14, from what I ubderstand it starts up in 65C02 mode but can be switched to full 16 bit mode and has 24 bit addressing.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:16 am 
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lperry65 wrote:
Thanks, I'll take a look.

I've been looking at the W65C816S6PL–14, from what I ubderstand it starts up in 65C02 mode but can be switched to full 16 bit mode and has 24 bit addressing.

That's the the fancy/full product code for the 65816. no-one really refers to it like that. It's just an '816 or 65c816 or 65816...

It was used by Acorn in the Acorn Communicator in 1985 then by Apple in the Apple //gs in 1986, then latterly in the SNES in 1990.

The code meaning is:
  • W65C - Product line
  • 816S is the product ID
  • 6 is the process (0.6µ CMOS)
  • PL is the packaging (PL = 44 pin PLCC)
  • -14 is the speed - 14Mhz

I use the W65C816S6PG-14 version in my Ruby boards. (Dual in-line, 40 pin package, RoHS/Green Compliant).

It can be switched between native '816 mode and emulated C02 mode in software and when in native mode the registers and memory can be switched to 8-bit or 16-bit.

I strongly sugest you start reading about how it works and how to utilise all those 24 bits of addressing. You may not find it easy nor to your liking. You may really be better off sticking to the 65C02 as there really isn't much software out there for the '816 although the Foenix project is worth looking at and some gains are being made with some C compilers...


Gordon Henderson.
See my Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: https://projects.drogon.net/ruby/

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:11 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Posts: 5
Thanks, I read your message in the Facebook group about this.

I'm not looking to boil the ocean here, but if the 816 added somthing I was intersted but not if it's hoing to cause more problems than it solves. My main goal is to build a 6502 based home computer with it's own identity that has some modern apointments but keeps the feel of a retro.

I've left you a lengthy message in FB Messenger explaining what I'm trying to achive, I'm hoping enough people are intersted and we can get some momentun going :)



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:15 pm 
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lperry65 wrote:
if the 816 added somthing I was intersted but not if it's hoing to cause more problems than it solves. My main goal is to build a 6502 based home computer with it's own identity that has some modern apointments but keeps the feel of a retro.

Welcome, Lee :) If "modern appointments" include lots of memory (>64K) then I recommend the 816's extended addressing as being simpler and far more capable than typical 6502 and 65C02 memory-expansions schemes.

At the risk of sounding like a fan boy, here's really not much downside to the '816. You do lose the bit manipulation instructions found on the 'C02. And, on the hardware side, you'll almost certainly want an '816 design to include a 74_245 bus transceiver, and a 74_573 latch to capture the Bank Address bits.

On the upside, you don't need to "jump into the deep end," software-wise. Instead, you can wade in! :)
  • at powerup, you're in Emulation Mode. All the 6502 instructions work just like a 6502. No surprises! And some of the non-6502 opcodes are usable, too... but again, no surprises, 'cause these can't be confused with 6502 instructions.
  • if you venture to enter Native Mode, there's still not much that's new, because memory and registers default to 8 bit when you enter. The Stack Pointer becomes 16 bit, but by default its highbyte is initialized to Page 1. There are a few tricky but rarely encountered wrinkles to watch out for, but even Native Mode is much like a 6502 as long as you leave memory and registers 8 bit.

At your leisure, you can try setting memory and/or registers to 16 bit. You have 4 combinations to choose from, and the prevailing selection is easily altered with a REP or SEP instruction.
  • the x bit in the status register determines whether X and Y will be 8-bit or 16 bit. And,
  • the m bit determines whether memory and the accumulator will be 8-bit or 16 bit.

There's obvious potential for increased efficiency! 8) In particular, let me stress that even an '816 in Emulation Mode can deftly access the full 24-bit memory space. :!:

Some of the 816 superpowers aren't available, but Emulation Mode does allow many of the new, non-6502 opcodes to function. These include variations of the familiar "Zero Page" indirect address modes, but using three-byte pointers (rather than two-byte).

-- Jeff

In 1988 my 65C02 got six new registers and 44 new full-speed instructions!
https://laughtonelectronics.com/Arcana/ ... mmary.html

Last edited by Dr Jefyll on Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:21 pm 
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I see Jeff was up earlier than me :D, but I’ll add my two cents.

drogon wrote:
The code meaning is:
  • 816S is the product ID

Incidentally, the S in 816S means the device has a fully static core.  This feature makes it possible to stop the clock in either phase without loss of state or register contents.  It’s very handy for single-stepping a new design to work out bugs.

I strongly sugest you start reading about how it works and how to utilise all those 24 bits of addressing. You may not find it easy nor to your liking. You may really be better off sticking to the 65C02 as there really isn’t much software out there for the ’816 although the Foenix project is worth looking at and some gains are being made with some C compilers...

Lest you come away with a negative impression of the 816, that it powers up into 65C02 emulation mode means you don’t have to pay much attention to its more-complex behavior until it is switched to native mode (which is done with a two-instruction sequence).  The only 65C02 instructions that are not supported are the Rockwell extensions (BBR, BBS, etc.), which were added as an afterthought to the original 65C02.  Even when you switch it to native mode, you can still program it strictly as a 65C02—minus the Rockwell extensions—until you feel comfortable exploiting what it can do.

When I built POC V1.0, I ran the 816 in emulation mode for quite a while as I tracked down hardware timing bugs.  Once I was confident I had found them, I rewrote the firmware to run it in native mode and have not used emulation mode since doing so.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:17 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Posts: 5
Thanks for the information. I found this reference online which seems to cover all the versions.
http://retro.hansotten.nl/uploads/books ... 201986.pdf

Here is the link to the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344271907983219

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:43 pm 
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Welcome, lperry65.  Please see my article about common '816 misunderstandings, plus attractions, here.

http://WilsonMinesCo.com/ lots of 6502 resources
The "second front page" is http://wilsonminesco.com/links.html .
What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:52 pm 
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Welcome, lperry65.  Please see my article about common '816 misunderstandings, plus attractions, here.

Also, see here for some interrupt programming info that supplements what Garth has on his site.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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